View Full Version : vbulletin battle hack

08-28-2002, 02:17 PM
how about some friendly competition ;) well i can say that i've begun the deving of my own battle hack... as for a list of features etc... at the moment they're disclosed... but i hope that i can get screenshots within the near future ;) i can't promise anything... just hopefully get something going :) just thought i would share my future project with my fellow hackers and get some input as to also what is expected of my hack? i won't list the features currently to be included but i will accept the idea of others so i can make it more to everyone's liking :) this hack will be extremely large (just a warning) :p


08-28-2002, 02:30 PM
You got me in :)

Read my sig ;)

08-29-2002, 04:54 PM
Ohh yeah I am sure that will work really well :banana:

08-29-2002, 05:02 PM
Wow, one out of 19,817 (currently) members come out and roll up his sleeves to do the battle hack for PUBLIC not usual crap such as "for my own board muahaha" boring stuff but this one... I almost had heart attack when I read your post.

Glad that someone finally do it for public. Keep it up. As I stated in your original thread, you re best hacker in my book.

As for list of features, I ll think of something :p but just want to let you know that how much I appreciate your commitment to public lately. You give me something to sleep well this time.

08-29-2002, 05:04 PM
My method is full-proof ;)

08-29-2002, 09:30 PM
Originally posted by Goldknight
Wow, one out of 19,817 (currently) members come out and roll up his sleeves to do the battle hack for PUBLIC not usual crap such as "for my own board muahaha" boring stuff but this one... I almost had heart attack when I read your post.

Glad that someone finally do it for public. Keep it up!! As I stated in your original thread, you re best hacker in my book.

As for list of features, I ll think of something :p but just want to let you know that how much I appreciate your commitment to public lately. You give me something to sleep well this time.

Acully neo said he would release his once done awhile back. :bunny:

08-29-2002, 10:54 PM
Great idea.. i need it :D
If you need helped, maybe i can helped if i can.

08-30-2002, 01:33 AM
A battle hack that works w/ Stat bars ect?? First come first serve, if I see one I like, I'll install, and get others I know who want a QUALITY battle hack too. I like G-Force's hacks, so I'm SURE it'll be good...

09-16-2002, 12:20 AM
is this a rap battle hack or teh rpg ones

10-06-2002, 10:46 PM
I am willing to donate money to one who creates an rpg battle hack that is intergrated with the MB

I think we should be able to rally more people to donate money

10-07-2002, 01:42 AM
the only thing is. People should create a battle hack that is already integrated with existing rpg hacks like stats and levels.. elements and classes... otherwise many people like myself will be screwed having to start completely over =/ check to go see


then once registered select the Roleplaying Template

I have damn near every RPG mod there is and i would hate to start over. Not too mention a weapon system that could work alongside VIVI's maybe cause thats on there too... i dunno

10-07-2002, 02:31 AM
Sounds good. But the RPG and the battle hack I think they are talking about. Is very, very different. Depending on how you look at it.

I think the type they are talking about. A Good Reference (http://www.hiphopheads.com)

10-08-2002, 08:21 PM
Colon3 you'd like it easy but there ain't no way im using anyone elses hacks for my hack... no offense to you of course... just a natural hacker's instinct... as for the kind of battle hack? rap battle hack? rpg battle hack? i actually have a rap battle hack nearly completetion... but in the end my client denied to respond to our agreement... it was being custom done for $600 who knows maybe i'll regain some confidence and finish it up and release it for free... but i have an rpg hack in the works too... just not sure what i want to do exactly... it would help if someone offered ideas ;) regards...


10-08-2002, 09:18 PM
what is different between rap battle and rpg battle?

Whoa, hope you will find someone buyer to buy your hack off. $600 is lots of money, if not for college, I would buy it off from you.

Oh well...hope you will get your confidence back soon =D

10-09-2002, 01:54 PM
My Comment: "Who fhucking cares anymore?" You either have to pay, know a friend, or suck my penis to get a battle hack. Once people start making it they realiaze they could make money off of it instead of not... I might release a mini version in the neer future once I get the time.

10-09-2002, 09:06 PM
who can you pay, and how much?

since it is obvious that no one will release a public one

10-09-2002, 11:18 PM
i'm going to attempt it, but i can't guarantee success...

here's how mine would work:

on the new thread form for a certain (battle) forum, an input field would be added for the poster to enter the username of the person they'd like to battle. the thread is closed to replies from anyone but the two battlers. when the challenged user visits the forum, a message will pop up that he has been challenged. he clicks ok and is taken to the thread. after, say, 10 more posts each (or three days, whichever comes first), the thread would be completely closed and a poll would be posted for users to vote for the winner. wins and losses would be recorded in two custom profile fields. administrators could cancel a battle at any time.

whew...this is going to be hard work :P

10-10-2002, 12:49 AM
I wish I would have went UBB

I guess the money would have been better no?
they have on already


10-10-2002, 12:58 AM
well, ill be happy to donate a lil money. im not rich and all but i have paypal with some money in it

10-10-2002, 01:38 AM
man, that hack sounds nice

I was thinking the hotel hack, could come in handy for that?

you know?

10-10-2002, 02:35 AM
i give up :(

10-10-2002, 03:52 PM
why is that man?

10-10-2002, 05:23 PM
okay... i offered to make one and asked for ideas and such and all i get is bickering and nothing of any type of support... i have ppl saying i'll pay for this and that... i don't know what ppl what but if you think its a one night project then you better recount the hours in a day...

Neo you talk about how vb.org sucks yet with those type of comments you make it suck... no offense to you but i doubt that comment was needed...

if you don't think it can be done... don't come asking me for one when i finish it... i'll just point to this thread... regards...

btw thenickwinder you want to choose ubb over vb just because they have some battle hack (whether its crappy or not i don't know) but imo thats just pathetic...


10-10-2002, 06:22 PM

I m sorry, I shouldnt chip in and involve in these bickering.. few of them got me piss off and post or bully others. I apologize for my behavior, I m tired of few people who gave off inappriorate attitude to others about battle hack, it just got me blow off. I m sorry, you re right.. I should know better than particuplate in these bickers..

Edit: Done delete my offtopic posts. I still would like to know what is different between rap and rpg battle...

Also I m thinking of buy your hack... I plan to IM you but you have been busy with social commitment so I guess I ll wait until right time then talk more with you

10-10-2002, 06:56 PM
sorry g-force, i didnt read carefully enough. i guess i was just going with the flow of the thread.

Anyways here are some ideas:

1) have some kind of class hack in it
2) have weaknesses and resistence and stuff
3) have some kind of itemshop so u can get stronger
4) when you level up, allow it to let you chose with area to put your stats in (strenth, vitality...)
5) befor a battle, allow the 2 fighters to chose what the prize is, wether its gil, an item or whatever
6) after leveling up allow each person to chose or buy a spell or attack( if level 5 learn or be able to but fire or something)

well, ill add more later. thats all that came to mind

10-10-2002, 07:01 PM
I have some really great ideas man

do you have icq or aim, we can talk about it

10-10-2002, 07:06 PM
thanks Goldknight ;)

DarkDraco... will take those suggestions into mind...

thenickwinder you can just submit your ideas here... my AOL s/n is in my profile... but its tough to catch me online...

btw Goldknight if you've ever heard of rping (not rpg) thats kinda of what a rap battle hack is like... as for rpg battle hack thats more statistical ;) regards...


10-10-2002, 07:20 PM
here are a few ideas as to how the battle could actually work

you could do numbers, just equiptment and level based, like for level 1 you get 1 point and for level 2 you get 2 points.
and then for quality of swords and armour, etc. you got point numbers, and then battle based on those number totals.

That system is easy to make, but not the highest quality ever. But I think that that would do, unless you know of a better way, that is.

another way could be like the ealry battle systems for games like Betrayal at Cronder.

How they did was weapon based power, and then 2-3 diff types of swings, the next higher type does more damage but has a lower hit rate, and then resistance to that could be divided by the armour the opponet is wearing or something...

this are just some simple math based ways to do it

i am sure you have thought of those, but just some ideas

btw, I do own my vb

10-10-2002, 10:46 PM
Money? What is money? Can you eat it?

All this talk about money, when people are releasing some for free. Hell, there is even one for wBB 1.x that works standalone. It's a hunk of ++++ in its BETA form.

Now, I haven't seen a dime in a few months. Don't care about money nearly as much as most people do. So, props to you, g-force, and to zajakofor starting battle hacks that you are gonna release for free.

10-11-2002, 04:05 AM
LOL just give up no one give for free and if they do they are going to be crying afterward for not making any $$

I knew a few people that where going to release one... but then after like 2 weeks of coding they kept it to them selves... if anyone wants to pay me for battle hack I can offer premium service *bows*

10-11-2002, 04:17 AM
well neo, we should talk

10-11-2002, 10:03 PM
Wanna bet, Neo? There is already a battle hack released, just not here. :)

10-11-2002, 11:11 PM
I think I will have a battle hack

we just made the v5 item shop to have values for the weapons that can be assigned in the control panel

the math part should not be hard

10-12-2002, 02:59 AM
i thik taht everyoen here should do what iam doing you all depend on other popele and you keep bugging them, how are they suppose to get it done ??
but unlike you lazy poeple
(not gforce) iam trying to make my own through modifcationad and just simple littel tricks now its not great but it keeps me busy and if oen ever gets released
i will continue to make my own cause if you can learn how to write hacks than you dont have to be teh little freak requestin hacks every ten seconds and than get on teh guys case when hes tryin to make it and even though i'll prolly install a publically relaes one iam not sittin here whinning when it will be done , iam just happy someones making it !!!
so poeple read a manual, fiddle around on ur board//// you learn from experience not waiting

10-12-2002, 04:17 AM
supersimon... Not all of people are programming genius like gforce2k2 or Neo. I learn lots in two months with PHP and MySQL, and soon able to make my own hack in few weeks or so. You have no right to give off the attitude like that to any people. Some people are good at programming, some people are good at making graphic arts, some people are good at creativity.

If I m very good at PHP and MySQL, I ll do more than try to answer lots of requests at here. Know what it call? Community. As one article at Sitepointforums.com stated about people are starting to lost the ideal of community, it never rang so true until few weeks ago. Same time, it will boost my programming skill enough to try ASP.NET or C++.NET... PHP is my small stone for me to stepping up to powerful and complex language such as C++

I m sure that some ethical hackers agree with me. Not all of people are programming genius. Thanks for understanding.

10-12-2002, 11:31 PM
i suck at mysql and php too lol
iam better at graphics than php iam just sayin these gusy come one here and request and that asll they do they ont contribute or help
iam saying iam trying to help myself without making someone do i themselves and sure its just leik learning ur own language its tottaly possible if u take ur time

10-13-2002, 12:18 AM
True, thats what I did so far. I kept bump one of my request during I m practicing myself with PHP and MySQL until I m good enough to make my own hack/request.

10-23-2002, 05:01 AM
Okay. The difference between a RPG Battle. Rap Battle.

Basically I don't know anything about RPG battles.
Being a paying vb customer I can tell you. My board sucks because I can't keep members. When they do show. They Ghost on there battles.
Rap Battles can be in two forms. Text or Audio
There are usually call-out forums. Two individuals, or a crew will go start a thread hoping for another to accept the challenge The battle is agreed upon with rules and stipulations. That thread is closed. And a battle thread is started within another forum designated for only battles. Each person post there verse or audio link. Member's view the thread. Member's vote. After a winner is achieve the thread is closed. Members have to kinda keep they own battle records and all that. Admin's and mods usually keep battles up to date by uppin' or bumpin'. All stat's are taking care of buy board officials. Belts, and other awards usually images are award for tournaments. These are usally gifs. Some of my members have stated they like the idea of the store hack intergrated with a battle hack. Where you have to pay to join a certain amount of points or what ever it's called to join. This also would help on keeping member's active. Lose points for signing up for a tourny and not show.

Okay...to close out know.
I'm not a programmer. I broke my pockets on VB and my poop of a server. My computer is expensive because I work on my own music. Rough drafts are here (http://www.mp3.com/Preech_n_Doses).

I know just enough html to get by. I'm not asking for the hack. I'm not saying I want someone to make it for me. I was just trying to clear up the difference between a Rap Battle and a RPG Battle. I wish someone could explain for me what a RPG battle is like. Never seen one.

10-23-2002, 04:14 PM
rpg battle hack is when 2 people want to fight each other. they post to get money, use the money to buy items such as weapons and shields. they call someone out and go to a battle screen. at the screen each person takes turns choosing attacks such as picking from a list of magic/physical attacks from dropdown menus. when the person submits their attack, it will deduct the amount of hp from the person that got hit. this keeps going on until someones life drops to 0. then whatever the reward is, is given to the winner. to get stronger, member will have to level up and get higher stats by either posting or winning more.

11-03-2002, 11:59 AM
gforce are you still going to work on that rap battle hack your client didn't pay 600 for? $100 Ok? lol i buy it if i can get it for $100

11-12-2002, 03:57 PM
heh still people bickering over this, even though on wBB and iBF they have some people with Battle Systems, kinda why i've been using iBF for so long now and that i've only just come back to vB

11-12-2002, 04:57 PM
whats funny is I stopped. since I found it worthless to make a battle system for a bulletin board.

11-12-2002, 06:32 PM
Originally posted by Neo
whats funny is I stopped. since I found it worthless to make a battle system for a bulletin board.

i can see your point, since it is a "bulletin board", but the same reasons could go for most other hacks here, say the itemshop for example, but i think that if you don't want to make that hack, then it shouldn't be put against you, if people wanted it that badly, they would get out there and learn php, i gave up on waiting for what i wanted, and have (and still trying to) learn php, no matter how long it takes, if you want something that much, go and get it

11-12-2002, 06:59 PM
Why is it that idiots must digress a really REALLY good thread?

Here are my suggestions:

Make the items, and battle procedure customizeable. Reason being, I run a Clan based website and would like to customize the type of events happen when a user wins/loses.

It's not RPG based, it truly is BATTLE based. Frag to Frag, point for point.

I'm curious to see how this pans out if the trolls can keep their mouths shut and let the people who can MAKE a difference on this hack..DO SO without meandering banter from the idgets.

11-23-2002, 08:41 PM
im interested in how things will turn out for a public release of this hack. As for myself, i crawled the net for this hack for my own rpg board, also for a nice itemshop. I did dl one of them and put it on my board, i also edited the code a little bit to ass level restrictions and class restrictions to it. Also added damage, leech, and that kinda stuff. I also edited some of the status bars and made it all database driven. But after a while of coding, i lost track of all those damn variables and then the admin page wasnt what i wanted it to look like and blablabla. SO, i started to make my own. Im not far, but i got a good solid foundation. My first plan was to make it all thread based. It was going to be for actual role playing threads, where users can have a battle in the middle of a story, but that was to much for a noob like me. So i took it to the next level down, and just wanted it to be turn based having nothing to do with the actual threads. I have made the admin section, its about 50% complete. I have attached a screen shot of what it looks like now. Neo is right about the money thing, people are dieing for this hack, but its not an easy task at all. And when they are done, it is a lot better to have it yours. If released, every board out there would have it, and whats the point to having a board that looks like everyone else’s? Maybe i might release a smaller version, i dunno yet, i just want to get done with it.

oh yea, the screen shot is the main admin page for now with just some items in the database to make it have some form too it. I am going for a morrowind type rpg with the enchant effect and the potions. The enchant value is how much magic an item can hold itself. So if you know a spell like double damage, you can enchant your sword with it and kick ass. Also the effects i made so that ingredients can hold values. Effects can be negative as well, but the idea is you can buy ingredients from my shop and 'brew' them in your characters house (after you sign up for the rpg) Each ingredient will have four different effects, if you mix two ingredients, and they both have at least one effect in common, the resulting potions will carry over that effect. In the case you just eat the ingredient, you will just get a random effect of the four, heh. um...this will tie into my battle hack as well. Weapons will include a bunch of sub skills, like long sword, short sword, blunt weapons, bow. You can buy armor for your head, body, feet, arms, and then you can buy shields. Weapons in the case of the heaver ones my take two hands to hold, therefore not allowing the shield, ect.....this hack is huge already, the cp page that you are looking at is almost 1500 lines long, so progress might seem slow but its not, tell me what you think of it so far

05-03-2003, 06:11 PM
11-03-02 at 09:59 AM influence said this in Post #40 (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?postid=318155#post318155)
gforce are you still going to work on that rap battle hack your client didn't pay 600 for? $100 Ok? lol i buy it if i can get it for $100

Here's what we have so far...

When a user posts a new thread there is an extra option in the post a poll box. It says "Start a Competition".
If the user checks this box a poll will be started with two options and the question filled in automatically. The first option field remains empty for the challenger to enter a competitors name. The challengers name is auto filled in. When the challenger posts the poll the competitors name will be validated.

The two users can go back and forth while others vote. Statistics are kept and there is a page to view them with sorting and individual statistics available.

Is this where ya wanted to go?

05-04-2003, 06:20 PM
Noppid has made a hack ^ with that exact same decsription for my board. It has so far, worked absolutely great. I love it. We are keeping it on the 'down low' for the time being, (so we can bug fix, etc) but will soon start selling it!! Many thanks to Noppid.

05-04-2003, 08:15 PM
The usernames and the thread ID's are links.
The usernames go to personal stats.
The Thread ID's go to the Battle thread.

05-04-2003, 08:17 PM
Self explainatory.

05-04-2003, 08:18 PM
Self Explainatory.

05-07-2003, 06:22 PM
The battle hack is in use on two boards and looking good.
Glad you're pleased units.

05-07-2003, 06:44 PM
05-04-03 at 03:20 PM Units said this in Post #47 (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?postid=391331#post391331)
Noppid has made a hack ^ with that exact same decsription for my board. It has so far, worked absolutely great. I love it. We are keeping it on the 'down low' for the time being, (so we can bug fix, etc) but will soon start selling it!! Many thanks to Noppid.

If your going to start selling it I would suggest starting a new thread instead of crapping in this one

05-07-2003, 07:15 PM
Today at 03:44 PM bharvey42 said this in Post #52 (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?postid=392838#post392838)
If your going to start selling it I would suggest starting a new thread instead of crapping in this one

Since I don't know how far I can take personal advertising, that's all I thought I should post. It's available.


10-21-2003, 07:18 PM
hey can u put it up for free?

can someone please make dis hack and put it up for free?


cuz deng..first u gotta buy vbulletin den u gotta buy hacks and skins for it

some1 kind enough to hook me uyp wit this

my email is legend@nventure.com


Gary King
10-21-2003, 09:25 PM
hey can u put it up for free?

can someone please make dis hack and put it up for free?


cuz deng..first u gotta buy vbulletin den u gotta buy hacks and skins for it

some1 kind enough to hook me uyp wit this

my email is legend@nventure.com

buy vbulletin, or you can't download these hacks.

10-21-2003, 10:47 PM
buy vbulletin, or you can't download these hacks.
I believe that only licensed users can post in the Code Hacks forums.

Gary King
10-21-2003, 11:12 PM
I don't think so. I've seen people without vBulletin licenses making requests here.

10-22-2003, 02:38 AM
are u stupid gary?

..how do u think im downloading hacks

i do have a license thats why im on everyday getting hackz

im asking for this battle hack..A Rap Battle hack for free

because they are usually customized and cost money

~ Itz a Wrap ~

like i said before..if n e one can hook me up with this hack for free..please send it to my email adress @



10-22-2003, 10:39 AM
are u stupid gary?

..how do u think im downloading hacks

i do have a license thats why im on everyday getting hackz

im asking for this battle hack..A Rap Battle hack for free

because they are usually customized and cost money

~ Itz a Wrap ~

like i said before..if n e one can hook me up with this hack for free..please send it to my email adress @


thankzthat would be illegal if they charged for it :)

also PLEASE use proper english here

10-22-2003, 12:48 PM
^noppid charges for his hack because it is customized

and i was asking if anyone can make a hack similiar to this..

BUT it would be free instead

Dean C
10-22-2003, 06:43 PM
I've made a hack like this but far superior. But it's not available for free.

10-22-2003, 07:30 PM
I've made a hack like this but far superior. But it's not available for free.

LOL, bragger... I bet it's a good one though. Is there somewhere to see your's in operation?

I wrote mine to someone's specs, I don't mess with battles and such myself. It's installed on my board for support reasons, but I haven't had any questions in months.

Gary King
10-22-2003, 08:49 PM
are u stupid gary?

No, but I know for a fact that I'm at least smarter than you, from the way you've posted so far in this thread.

How would I know that you're talking about a rap battle hack when this thread talks about a general battle hack? Yes, even though I'm smart, it's not like I'm psychic or anything ;)

10-22-2003, 10:07 PM
Yo Gary! Sup! Yo'z gotz to be gettin' in on the skillz brotha to be understandin' the style in which MC xxLegendxx busts out or you be left out yo!

Mad and phat skillz dawg. You know what I'm sayin'? ;)

10-24-2003, 08:01 PM
Has anyone yet released a "battle' hack. I see alot of rpg hacks, but not a full battle system, like some vbulletin rpg sites have. :( So is anyone ever going to release one? I really need one for an rpg forum im working on with a friend.

10-24-2003, 08:04 PM
Has anyone yet released a "battle' hack. I see alot of rpg hacks, but not a full battle system, like some vbulletin rpg sites have. :( So is anyone ever going to release one? I really need one for an rpg forum im working on with a friend.
i belive ive stated this a few times around the boards, try www.gamasoftware.com (http://www.gamasoftware.com) this is a full blown rpg fully controled by you ^^

10-24-2003, 08:22 PM
Do you know how much it costs? I looked everywhere on the board and couldn't find a price.

10-24-2003, 08:23 PM
Do you know how much it costs? I looked everywhere on the board and couldn't find a price.
its 40 usd, for a years subscription

12-10-2003, 11:10 PM
Noppid How much does your hack cost.... Is that what they are using at RapBattle....?

12-10-2003, 11:41 PM
Noppid How much does your hack cost.... Is that what they are using at RapBattle....?

Yes and yes. You can search on battle hack at my forums.


12-23-2003, 02:27 AM
^^To expensive and Mist is way to expensice (even tho I'm a member at HIS board I don't get it cheaper)....so uppin this if someone can make a public release of this hack...I'll even buy it from someone if the price is right..

03-18-2004, 02:47 AM
is this going to be made for free and released? ide be the happiest person on earth

Gary King
03-18-2004, 01:16 PM
is this going to be made for free and released? ide be the happiest person on earth
This thread is nearly 2 years old :p

03-19-2004, 07:19 AM
cmon dont be selfish , i have a RAP Board where we do Battles and we need that script :)
put it down...

05-04-2004, 06:04 PM
i am another person intrested in a rap battle system here is a phpbb forum that i guess meade there own and i would like one done for Vb something like it and im sure msot of the peopel here who want this battle hack will agree check this out


05-12-2004, 08:54 AM
if its done, even better then that, i wouldn't mind paying, but i prefer vB3

06-09-2004, 02:26 AM
i have one up and running on my board www.rapblock.com

05-03-2008, 01:29 PM
im willing to pay for one... list of features i would like....

1. Show Top Battlers and stats on forumhome, which can be clicked to go to another page which shows the full stats.
2. Show record in the postbit.
3. Cleaner poll interface than the free one that was released by i believe mindtrix, when you go to the battle forum, you would type the first 2 or 3 letters, symbols or numbers and a list pops up underneath where you can click which user it is you are battling. Once the battle is finished, it sends a PM to user X (whomever is selected in the options) and they have to finalize it so it goes automaticly to the records for both. Once closed, should also be moved to another completed battle forum automaticly.
4. Be able to have the battle system in multiple forums.
5. Be able to call someone out via user profile.
6. Show who the person previously battled in the memberinfo.
7. Completely editable through admincp.

i think that pretty much covers it besides the little things.

Gary King
05-03-2008, 02:18 PM
im willing to pay for one... list of features i would like....

1. Show Top Battlers and stats on forumhome, which can be clicked to go to another page which shows the full stats.
2. Show record in the postbit.
3. Cleaner poll interface than the free one that was released by i believe mindtrix, when you go to the battle forum, you would type the first 2 or 3 letters, symbols or numbers and a list pops up underneath where you can click which user it is you are battling. Once the battle is finished, it sends a PM to user X (whomever is selected in the options) and they have to finalize it so it goes automaticly to the records for both. Once closed, should also be moved to another completed battle forum automaticly.
4. Be able to have the battle system in multiple forums.
5. Be able to call someone out via user profile.
6. Show who the person previously battled in the memberinfo.
7. Completely editable through admincp.

i think that pretty much covers it besides the little things.
This thread is four years old. Why did you have to bump such an old thread?

05-04-2008, 02:23 PM
This thread is four years old. Why did you have to bump such an old thread?

i searched, found what i needed, and replied...is there a problem?

Gary King
05-05-2008, 04:41 AM
i searched, found what i needed, and replied...is there a problem?
It would probably make more sense to start a new thread because a lot has changed in the vBulletin software since this thread was started.