View Full Version : help on forumhome templates

08-24-2002, 01:42 AM
ok here is the thing in forumhome template:

Members: $numbermembers, Threads: $totalthreads, Posts: $totalposts<br>
Welcome to our newest member, <a href="member.php?s=$session[sessionhash]&action=getinfo&userid=$newuserid">$newusername</a>
<td align="right"><smallfont>
The time now is $timenow.<br>
You last visited: $bbuserinfo[lastvisitdate].

It work fine in the main page ( forum home )
but when I try to add it in forumdisplay it didn't work :(.
Is there anything I needed to modify in the file ? or the other templates?


09-01-2002, 08:39 PM
Hmm, it should work fine....not sure why it wouldn't work....o, I'm not good at php, but it could be because the variables are in index.php and they should be in umm....showthread.php?? Not really sure what file they should be in...