View Full Version : vbQuiz Add-on hack

08-22-2002, 01:30 PM
It would be nice to have something on forumhome that would display:

There are X quizes in Y categories.
You have taken Z of X quizes.

Here is a screenshot of what I would like to see. (this is not real, it was "made" with a graphics editor)

the topic heading would be a link to the quiz. The lightbuld would turn on (programmer's choice) if a new quiz has been added since the last time a user logged on or if there are untaken quizes (whichever is easier to implement). If it is easy enough to do it either way, make it admin or user configurable as to hich way to turn on the lightbulb.

08-23-2002, 08:07 PM
Come on, guys. Surely someone knows the code areas well enough to do this one in an evening?

08-28-2002, 02:31 AM
Okay, I did this one myself since there were no takers. it was actually pretty easy. One template mod, one new template and maybe 15 lines of new code in index.php.

The "lightbulb" goes on if there is a new quiz since the last visit. its not exactly what I put in the original request, but close enough to be what I wanted.

I'll enclose a picture of what it looks like. I have it stacked with vbQuiz Add-on 1,1 and I think they look good together.

I haven't released it because:

1. I don't know if anyone wants it or even cares
2. I like the way it looks with vbQuiz Add-on that if there is any interest, I'd like to contact the author of that hack and offer my mods as a new addition to his hack instead of releasing it on it's own.
3. I'm new. Only been running VB for two weeks. I figure if anyone has a similar hack, they'll let me know.

Feedback as to if there is any interest will decide if this gets released.

08-28-2002, 02:36 AM
I didn't see this til now, but I would love to have this temp mod...

Good work, btw! :)

08-28-2002, 02:43 AM
Yes please release it.... It looks fabulous!

08-28-2002, 02:51 AM
I probably should have added the a site to see it work:


08-28-2002, 07:30 PM
Cool add-on. :)

08-28-2002, 08:13 PM
Just to let folks know, it will be part of the next release of Martin64's vbQuiz Add-on hack. I won't be releasing it separately.