View Full Version : FFLounge

08-21-2002, 10:28 PM
Vincent]Yes another FF site :rolleyes: Anyways I'm one of the admins there so I decided I would post it. Any feedback for it?

BTW I did have categories spaced but I'm adding a column to the right of the forums as soon as I get everything set up for it so I had to take that off.

08-22-2002, 04:58 AM
I'm not really a fan of freeware buttons, but I understand some people aren't good in adobe, or can't get anyone who is to decent to make them a free set. Anyway Besides that...dark forums...eh, they're kind of a gamble. I always feel so...lethargic at a dark forum, unless there are plenty of colorful addons (like how FFR has their buttons and their little banner ads to their other forums...those add color), but yours is kinda ALL black and dark. Another hazard of the freeware buttons. You're on the right track though, if you like dark forums (the little job images iny our postbit are a start =D). I notice you have Vivi's Itemshop Hack. I do like how you did your announcements though, nice.

Your postbit is pretty good, you're going for that super RPG feel. The only thing I would suggest is removing [Posts Per Day XXXXX] whatever. It just looks crammed in there, and unless that information has some huge relevance, it's available in the member's profile, where it DOESN'T look crammed.

It may not be that big of a concern now, but if your forum gets a lot of activity maybe in the future (I do recall you saying you have host problems, and are losing all your members constantly), that hack adds a TON of queries to a showthread.

Sorry if I seem harsh, but I know when I want a critique I want everything possible to make it better.

08-22-2002, 06:01 PM
I don't use the itemshop any more if I'm not mistaken I thought I deleted it already because of the query thing, I completely forgot about the button at the top though. And yeah I know the buttons suck badly but I'm not good at making my own buttons so I have to find some to use =\ The annoucement thing I found at vBT.com I get most of the template mods there but the postbit was mine, I like to see how many posts per day someone has, and unless someone gets 10,000 posts it shouldn't go over and make two lines.

08-29-2002, 07:43 AM
I joined myself to actually post some and become an active member, but I left on the first day because i just got a bad vibe from being there from the users. Cosmetically, I think it looks great, right up my alley, as far as a FF forum goes, and I was really looking forward to spending more time there myself, as I consider myself a big FF fan...I just won't stick around in a place that I feel unwelcomed in. You've done a GREAT job in fixing that place up, I got a great first impression. But forums aren't only about hacks and cosmetics. Maybe I just rubbed someone the wrong way the first day, and maybe I should try again sometime, because I did enjoy reading through some of the threads, but I'll give it some time before i choose to go back...

None-the-less, keep up the good work ;)

09-04-2002, 05:58 PM
Vincent]Yeah alot of our members are assholes from FFMS and they seem to have the need to try and pissed people off :rolleyes: I can't really do anything about them but they do some stupid things, every post they have to be insulting someone =\