View Full Version : I need a personal Hack for myself only. I will pay for it.

08-21-2002, 03:20 AM

My old forum was snitz, A asp based coded forum. I have one good feature that made our site really popular and that was the reason I was never trying to get vbulletin, I decided to finally moved over because snitz pissed me off by taking almost a year to finish the new version of their forum. They told us 8 months ago that it should be completed and ready for release but they ended up releasing it the other day. The new version looks nice , secured and faster than ever and also teasing me to switch back over just because of that one feature I have that I havne't seen on any vbulletin board. Only reason im not going switch back to snitz is because, no hack/mod are created yet for the new version which might take months since they said the entire coding is differen. I really love vbulletin and im hoping for someone to develope this feature for me. I am willing to pay and I also want the hacker to make a deal with me. The deal is for you not to release or give that hack to anyone else because I want it to be used only on my site. If you are a good hacker, we can talk and work on how much u going to charge to develope it.

I know it can done with php, its a simple mod. Only uses the whois online and the PM feature together.

If you have time to do this for me then PM me or drop your contact infor so I can explain to you and show you a example of what im talking about.

If this can't be done then chances are, im going back to snitz but I hope it can be done since im really loving vbulletin so far.


08-21-2002, 09:10 AM
ummmm what exactly is that feature?

08-21-2002, 07:59 PM
If you are interested in helping me out with it then I will PM you a quick explaination and example

08-22-2002, 12:04 AM
You will get more people running to PM you if you tell them what the feature is :)

08-22-2002, 01:18 AM
well actually Link if he wants the feature for himself and not to be given out do you think that he's going to tell us what the feature is ;)


08-24-2002, 03:30 PM
sorry, been busy and I was trying to set up my old board again for u guys to see an example