View Full Version : Probably my best Request ever

08-18-2002, 04:12 PM
This came to me this mourning out of no where. But when viewing a thread and let's say it has 225 views. You know it's a descent thread so you click it and you go in. But you always wonder who has seen this thread, especially if it is addressed to someone. So could someone here create it so that at the very bottom of whatever thread your viewing be able to see who has viewed the thread and then besides there name like a - (8) or whatever. The 8 representing how many times they have viewed.

Then have on the admin cp, being able to set it so that Administrators do not appear on this list if they wish, same with smods and mods. And if invisible people's name go on the list as well.

08-18-2002, 04:13 PM
and im guessing it would say (unregisterd) or (guest) if the viewer wasn't registerd at the time

08-22-2002, 09:48 AM
(similiar) hack already exists by Neo, check his profile or full releases section..