View Full Version : Need 2 button sets

08-15-2002, 11:27 AM
Hi. I'm looking for complete button sets in yellow and purple to make replacement styles. I could make them myself but am really short on time. So if anyone has time and would like to make them these are my hex numbers to work around:

yellow: 808000 & FFFF80
purple: 6F43FF & C0C0FF

My forum is at http://www.militantbreastfeedingcult.com/vb/index.php if you want to see what I'm working with.


~ Heidi
:banana: (just had to put in the dancing banana 'cause he's cute)

Dean C
08-15-2002, 06:34 PM
strange forum name may i say ;)

08-15-2002, 06:35 PM
LOL. Yah. Ya gotta read the front page of the site itself to find out why <g>.

08-16-2002, 12:09 AM
I have VButton, so no problem to do them. Just a quick job though, but I also did up a screenshot of them as well.

You can download them here:


Haven't changed the other screenshots yet, so they are pretty noticeable. :)
make sure you have your download accelator turned off, or it won't download. Just click to the screenshot, press the dl link to the left.

08-16-2002, 10:27 AM
Oh, THANKS!!! The purple is perfect. I set it up already. The yellow/gold looks great and I'm sure it's going to work. I really appreciate it. :)

08-16-2002, 12:36 PM
Would anyone be able to do some button sets for me? I am just starting out and am crap at gfx etc. If so plz email me at jam@anjam.co.uk

08-16-2002, 02:35 PM
Shiva -- question for you .... I've set up the styles with the purple and the yellow. They look great. :-) The only thing is the 0stars one isn't working. Instead the star column is reading 0 votes 0.00 average. The purple works as do my default (pink) and the teal I found. Any idea why? The images appears to be in the correct place. And I know it's good 'cause I can open it in PSP. Thanks.

08-16-2002, 08:20 PM
Hmm, did you overwrite that image with the same image from another set, it may be the graphic itself.
Come to think of it, I had a simular problem, found out I didn't have the image code in the template (I used a different style from the default) Not sure where it was, as there's something like 400 templates to change (geez) but ask at VBTemplates, sure someone would remember where it is.