View Full Version : iChat Hack

08-13-2002, 07:11 PM

I have a Mac OS X related board at www.osxserver.ch (http://www.osxserver.ch/forums/index.php). With the next release of OS X (code named Jaguar), Apple has integrated a new, AIM compatible chat application named "iChat". Now my request:

1. I want a new input field in the user cp, where every user with iChat-Account can type his iChat username.

2. A iChat-Icon in every thread shows, if this user have a iChat-Account. If the user has no account or don't typed it in the user cp, no icon is visible.

3. If somebody like to chat with a user who has a iChat-Account, he can simply click on the Icon and add him to the buddy list or send him a request.

iChat works only with Mac OS X 10.2 or newer.

Is this possible and who can create a hack for this? I'm willing to pay for this of course.



08-13-2002, 08:01 PM
you have a pm.