08-13-2002, 12:12 PM
Did you know that when you purchase a vBulletin you got 2 programs for 1 only?
AS we all know that the vBulletin is an open source, this means that we can hack and modify the design of our forums,
So I got an Idea
- Powerful search engine
- Supports any language
- Template modifications
- Access levels
- Using images with no HTML
- Registration system enable/disable
- Activation/Deactivation of the system
- Last 10 Posts/Topics
- Homepage contents control
- Comments ability
- Arraigning
- New topics with special icon
- Read topics with special icon
- Readers counter
- Announcements
- Polls
- Database integration
- Attachments
- Internal e-mail system
- E-mail list
- Hidden meeting area
- Who is online and where
- Editor ID
- Print version
- Tell friend
With some template modifications you can get a powerfull news managment system for your website.
I am working on this now , and hope to finish it soon,
So to have this system , just get a license.
If any one likes to help , he/she are most welcome
AS we all know that the vBulletin is an open source, this means that we can hack and modify the design of our forums,
So I got an Idea
- Powerful search engine
- Supports any language
- Template modifications
- Access levels
- Using images with no HTML
- Registration system enable/disable
- Activation/Deactivation of the system
- Last 10 Posts/Topics
- Homepage contents control
- Comments ability
- Arraigning
- New topics with special icon
- Read topics with special icon
- Readers counter
- Announcements
- Polls
- Database integration
- Attachments
- Internal e-mail system
- E-mail list
- Hidden meeting area
- Who is online and where
- Editor ID
- Print version
- Tell friend
With some template modifications you can get a powerfull news managment system for your website.
I am working on this now , and hope to finish it soon,
So to have this system , just get a license.
If any one likes to help , he/she are most welcome