View Full Version : Buttons with XP style icons...

08-08-2002, 01:44 AM
I would really like to get my hands on the button set used on this site. I really like the Win XP stle icons used in the buttons.

The site I admin is relative to a Win 32 IRC client, the buttons would really go along with our theme of Klient v2.0 (soon to be released and using XP style icons).

Any ideas where I can get them? Are they publicly available?

-Tyler Lynch
Klient.com Staff

08-08-2002, 08:58 AM
1. If your going for an os style, the XP buttons arent really that inspiring, infact its a pretty tired style already, id suggest going Mac X for buttons, try searching, Windows XP gifs on google. If you can find the icons id be happy to make you some buttons with em,