View Full Version : Integrate vB with portal script
Take a look - it's something i'd looked at before, but now it's totally free to download :)
I wonder if one of you experts might take a look at it and let me know if it's possible to integrate the member database of both systems, so that our users simply register once for the whole community - and get to personalise the lot :)
Anyone ? Or maybe this is something which John/James might wish to investigate once V2.0 is out ?
Thank you Thank you Thank you
I think I have fallen in love with your for that link
I have been working on something similar for weeks and did not like the results I was getting.
Thank you
The Just for You script uses a mySQL database so in theory they would be easy to integrate. The problem is that I don't have a copy of vBulletin.
I'll have a go if someone could email me the format of vBulletin's user database/table.
Many thanks,
isn't this going to be in 2.0.0?
I believe that there will be a facility to personalise the forums in the new release... but not the ability to personalise the front page of the main website. However, I feel that there is a big demand for a full community suite - forum, articles, links, news headlines grabber, homepage peronalisation, etc, etc. - all based around a central membership system, so maybe John/James are considering something like this ?
That sounds great, but i'm no expert, else i'd have a go myself - I could send you the whole script, but I am sure that's against the rules, so i'll have to let someone who knows vB take a look at it if they are interested in this. And, rather than hack vB, I feel it'd be far better to amend Just For You to fit with the existing structure set by vB. The reason being that, once I had this up and running, i'd not expect to make any changes to it... whereas i'll be updating vB every time a new release comes out... :)
Glad others are interested in it though...
Peter, just saw your sig and realised that you are 'Mr Fudgecake' himself... :)
Might it be possible to incorporate some standard membership system between these teo products in a future release ? I see at the moment that this script is now freeware, well if the two systems could be tied in - with active forum topics, etc. as an option in the personalisation system, then I feel sure that you would attract paying customers. (hint, hint...)
It shouldn't be too hard to change, as user database queries are limited to 6 or 7 pages (at a quick glance).
The user table structure follows:
userid int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
usergroupid smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL,
username varchar(50) NOT NULL,
password varchar(50) NOT NULL,
email varchar(50) NOT NULL,
parentemail varchar(50) NOT NULL,
coppauser smallint(6) NOT NULL,
homepage varchar(100) NOT NULL,
icq varchar(20) NOT NULL,
aim varchar(20) NOT NULL,
yahoo varchar(20) NOT NULL,
biography mediumtext NOT NULL,
signature mediumtext NOT NULL,
adminemail smallint(6) NOT NULL,
showemail smallint(6) NOT NULL,
invisible smallint(6) NOT NULL,
usertitle varchar(250) NOT NULL,
customtitle smallint(6) NOT NULL,
joindate int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,
canpost smallint(6) NOT NULL,
cookieuser smallint(6) NOT NULL,
daysprune smallint(6) NOT NULL,
lastvisit int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,
lastactivity int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,
lastpost int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,
posts smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL,
timezoneoffset smallint(6) NOT NULL,
emailnotification smallint(6) NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (userid),
KEY idxgroups (username, usergroupid)
I don't think there'd be any objections to me posting this, as a good section of this structure can be obtained from alternative *cough*error->view source*cough* methods. :)
is this similar to PHP Nuke ?? because I have already integrated the membership of Nuke and vB (lite)
Hi all, I have the same sort of problem.
My site is completely database driven (mySQL), excluding vBulleting the db size is around 10mb at the mo. Site url
I have nearly 5000 registered members (100+ new ones each day, whay! :D ) however my bulletin has only 300 members, buts its growing pretty quick :(
I have lots of confused visitors who try to post using their site login details.
Would it be possible to maybe perform a join of my 'people' table and the vbulletin 'user' table ? Or would both need to be merged, if they do I can see problems occuring...
Please help, I need you :) <G>
Thanks for the user table info Stallion.
As I don't have the full vBulletin script myself perhaps someone could explain what the following fields mean and the parameters that they take?
The ones I need more information on are:
usertitle & customtitle
Short explanations of these would speed up my coding enormously.
Users are seperated into user groups - registered users, super moderators, etc. Each user group is refered to by a number.
If a user is under age (13 ?) then the parent must give express permission for them to participate.
A Yes/No flag - Yes if the user is under the age required by COPPA
I *think* this is a Yes/No flag to determine whether the user wishes to receive email communication from the forum admins.
Each user has a user title - Junior Member, Senior Member, etc. based on the number of posts, or the settings in their given user group.
You can force a user to have a unique user title - for example 'Webmaster' - by entering this name in the usertitle field and setting this flag to Yes.
The user can set the number of days of posts which they wish to view when they view the forum list.
Pass... :)
Hope this helps.
BTW, is there any way which we can incorporate external scripts into the personalisation system ? ie we might want to allow users to select if they can view the poll or not on 'their' page...
Thanks for the info. I'm working on it!
As regards the ability to use other scripts on the user's personalised page; yes, it is possible. You can set up a 'cell' (described in the Just for You manual) as either a news feed, raw text file or another PHP script. Remember that CGI scripts cannot be incorporated however.
This is getting a bit OT for this forum. Perhaps you would like to post further questions to my forum at
Thanks Peter,
I must have missed that - i'll go back and look a little more carefully... :) Most of the includes on that page are PHP anyway - the poll *is* Perl, but i'm looking to replace that with a PHP script soon, as the server guy tells me there might be some security risk with the system we're using now...
Neither did I realise that you have your own support forum (well, I thought you did, but I couldn't get to it yesterday...) so i'll take a look there. It IS vBulletin, right ? :)
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I'm working on getting vBullein and Just for You to work together. I was just wondering if you could tell me if vBulletin allows you to view lists of registered users and their profiles in a site admin section. If so, what's the URL going to be?
Secondly, could anybody give me any information about the cookie(s) that vBulletin sets to remeber who you are between sessions please?
Thirdly, for sites wishing to run Just for You and vBulletin together, I assume it would be fine just to use vBulletin's profile pages etc.? This would mean that any links to 'View Profile' would link to the vBulletin script page rather than one created by Just for You.
Lastly, could anyone tell me if it is possible to get technical information for version 2.0 which I believe is going to include customisation of the forum pages?
Many thanks,
Seeing as Peter is making these alterations at my request (although it will benefit all later when things are finalised) would it be a problem for me to supply him with the relevant vB files ? If not, would vB be willing to allow him a copy for development purposes ? I am positive that this would benefit a good number of customers, and would likely attract more customers in the near future... :)
Hopefully that would be cool cause I also am one waiting for this
Well I was planning on buying my own copy of vBulletin tonight to develop the new features for Just for You.
Rather unfortunatly I can't seem to progress further than the 'You're just connecting to DigiBuy' page - my browser claims to be Authenticating User for over 10 mins before cutting out.
A bit OT I know but did anyone else have this problem?
This is very exciting. I hope that these two programs can be integrated succesfully.
I've given up waiting for Peter and not receiving answers to my email :( We'll now be developing our own solution should we decide to go with this at some point.
I have a Portal site which integrates Vbulletin and Customization. It is constantly being improved daily and it is my dream for it to be a "my yahoo" kind of thing.
Feel free to register at
For an account and play around with it. Remember to click all the EDIT buttons and all. It uses PHP and MySQL.
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