View Full Version : Edit multible templates at the same time!

USS Phenix
08-04-2002, 11:53 AM
Is there a hack out there (sure I've seen it) that allows you to edit the same template (showthread lets say) on lots of different template sets?

Its just I've got a list of hacks to add to forums.filesnetwork.com and at last count there was 22 styles all in use by about 500 people min.

Guess I just want to be lazy, but it will save hours off my time

USS Phenix
08-04-2002, 12:00 PM
Dont worry found one;


08-04-2002, 12:03 PM
the easiest way is to edit the global template.

in your config.php set $debug =1;

then you can edit all global templates, which affects every templateset...

be sure to also save your templates to disk, because changing the global set will be gone after upgrading to a new version.
also set $debug = 0; after you have edited the templates (security reason)

USS Phenix
08-04-2002, 12:05 PM
ok thx.

Chris M
08-04-2002, 12:18 PM

You can Make all Styles point to one Template Set...


USS Phenix
08-04-2002, 12:23 PM
well its done now!