View Full Version : memberlist.php for 2.2.5

07-30-2002, 06:24 PM
A screwed up, I erased something in my memberlist.php when backing out a hack, I had a backup of my memberlist.php file untill I accidently saved over it.

My problem is that when users go into the memberlist they can only see 25 users, there us no more option to see the next 25 like there was before.

You can see what I am talking about at http://www.dbstalk.com/memberlist.php

Can someone email me memberlist.php for 2.2.5?



07-31-2002, 01:37 PM
Can anyone at least tell me how to add back the next page function on memberlist.php?

When I use to look at my userlist is use to display 25 members then at the bottom was a place to click to see the next 25.

Something like this...

Pages (1290): [1] 2 3 Next ? ... Last ?

But now its gone.

Help please. :)

07-31-2002, 03:17 PM
It's there alright. I suppose you fixed it.

Why using 2.2.5 when 2.2.6 is out anyway?

07-31-2002, 03:28 PM
I fixed the problem. :)

It seems as though my FTP program was not overwriting the existing file on the server.

When I deleted the memberlist.php and reuploaded it, everything then started to run fine.

Thanks everyone!