View Full Version : Put a User in more then 1 Group.

07-29-2002, 01:15 PM
I was wondering if anyone could make a hack that allowed you to put a user in more then one user group (like the oh so awful phpbb lets you do)

You see I have a graphic group that does alot of board grphics then i also have sen mods that i want in that group. I would love to put them in there but they would lose there sen mod power. I also have regulare user that i want in there.

One of the features of this is maybe set a Users group permissions to NUll, so they have no effect.

Thanks in advanced if you can do this. I know this would help alot of boards.

07-29-2002, 02:28 PM
Originally posted by DemiNeo0101
You see I have a graphic group that does alot of board grphics then i also have sen mods that i want in that group. I would love to put them in there but they would lose there sen mod power. I also have regulare user that i want in there.

Can u please clarify what will be the practical result of putting your mods into that special usergroup? I mean what are trying to achieve by adding them to that group? Since they are Mods they must have access to any boards/threads that graphics usergroup has. If you are trying to make them use user titles of that special group, I guess you know that you can assign this title to special users(including Mods) individiually. I guess I'm missing something here? :)

07-30-2002, 03:00 PM
it makes it easyer to organize them. and i would like them to show up in the graphic group and mod group in the showgroups.php.

07-30-2002, 03:22 PM
vbulletin version 3 will be availible relatively soon and will have that as a default feature.

08-13-2002, 02:22 PM
thats awsome. Thanks for the info Codename49.