View Full Version : Show Invisible Users by Usergroup permissions...

Chris M
07-27-2002, 10:00 PM
Version 1.0:
What does this hack do?
It allows you to set what usergroups can see Invisible users...This means that you no longer have to code the script every time you want a new Usergroup to be able to see Invisible users!

Installation time : 5 mins...

Screenshots :

This is a screenshot from the Admin Cp:
Screenshot (http://www.darkblazes.com/vbhacks/invisible/admincp.jpg)



07-28-2002, 08:57 PM
very usefull i think nice hack

* Tarion klick install :)

07-28-2002, 09:07 PM
easy but usefull ;)

i like this minihacks ;)

personally i won't use it, it's nice to know i'm the only one seeing invisible users ;)

08-12-2002, 12:11 AM
I will install this...


08-12-2002, 01:10 AM
Can this also be made to allow the Admin to set individual users to be able to see invisible users?

08-12-2002, 01:15 AM
not this hack, it changes the usergrouptable, but it wouldn't be hard:

add a field to user table called canseeinvisible, as you see in the hack for usergroups here

then you'll have to add a yesnocode when you edit users from admin-cp (take a look at user.php i'm sure you can found out how;))

and then you have to modify all the lines hellsatan poste which handles invisible users
where you can read "or $bbuserinfo[usergroupid]==6" just add "or $bbuserinfo[canseeinvisible]"

08-12-2002, 01:18 AM
Great! I'll give it a go. When I get it together. will you look at it for me and make sure I have it right, though? :)

Originally posted by Xenon
not this hack, it changes the usergrouptable, but it wouldn't be hard:

add a field to user table called canseeinvisible, as you see in the hack for usergroups here

then you'll have to add a yesnocode when you edit users from admin-cp (take a look at user.php i'm sure you can found out how;))

and then you have to modify all the lines hellsatan poste which handles invisible users
where you can read "or $bbuserinfo[usergroupid]==6" just add "or $bbuserinfo[canseeinvisible]"

07-26-2003, 01:00 AM
hmm.... after I installed this i got an error when i tried editing a usergroup:

Database error in vBulletin Control Panel 2.3.0:

Invalid SQL: UPDATE usergroup SET title='Super Moderators',usertitle='Super Moderator',cancontrolpanel=0,canmodifyprofile=1,ca nviewmembers=1,canview=1,showgroup=1,cansearch=1,c anemail=1,canpostnew=1,canmove=1,canopenclose=1,ca ndeletethread=1,canreplyown=1,canreplyothers=1,can viewothers=1,caneditpost=1,candeletepost=1,canusep m=1,canpostpoll=1,canvote=1,canpostattachment=1,is moderator=,canseeinvisible=1,canpublicedit=1,canpu blicevent=1,canthreadrate=1,cantrackpm=1,candenypm receipts=1,maxbuddypm=0,maxforwardpm=0,canwhosonli ne=1,canwhosonlineip=1,cangetattachment=1 WHERE usergroupid=5
mysql error: You have an error in your SQL syntax near 'canseeinvisible=1,canpublicedit=1,canpublicevent= 1,canthreadrate=1,cantrackpm=1,' at line 1

mysql error number: 1064

Date: Friday 25th of July 2003 10:01:59 PM
Script: http://www.forevergaming.com/forums/forums/admin/usergroup.php
Referer: http://www.forevergaming.com/forums/admin/usergroup.php?action=edit&usergroupid=5

Any help?

EDIT: well, I fixed that problem but my Smod's still can't see invisible users...

MGM out