View Full Version : Looking for an Offline .style Editor

07-27-2002, 07:38 PM
Strange request, but I hope the thing I'm looking for exists.

I have a restrictive ISP that means I can't spend as much time perfecting my styles as I would like. Some of my styles have non-fatal bugs (which are probably only noticable to me :nervous: ), and editing the raw .style file in a text editor can make it volatile.

Does such an app exist that can compile a .style set by simply cutting and pasting code? All my custom templates are in individual HTML files, so this would be great.

Thanx in advance.

07-27-2002, 08:51 PM
Try downloading CuteHTML, all tags are colour coded, and bright, and very nice looking hehe. I use it for php, asp, cgi, html, java script css, and more.


07-27-2002, 10:25 PM
Hmm... I already have a good text editor that does that:


It's -sort of- shareware, in that you can donate if you want.

Even so, try looking at a raw .style set, and feel your mind boggle. Downloading a template set in debug mode tends to make things neater, but there's database queries peppered throughout the file.

Thanx for the input tho', I fear nothing like what I'm looking for exists. If not, I know someone who might help me make such an app :devious:

07-27-2002, 11:09 PM
Cute HTML is free, if you download Cute FTP trial, it comes with it free..


07-28-2002, 03:04 AM
I actually use just one, but have several at my site, all freeware as well. Use it for Visual Basic scripting, but it also does have support for a lot of other scripts and languages.

Called Crimson Editor, has the color codes etc. Very nice program, also have a couple others, but I prefere CE the best.


Dean C
07-28-2002, 09:47 AM
context is by far the best.... do a search on www.ixquick.com for "Context Editor" :D