View Full Version : Random Banner Generator...

Chris M
07-26-2002, 01:56 PM
Is there a hack here that allows you to upload a banner to your server, then enter it in the Admin CP, with the url to redirect it to, and a name for the Banner, and then make it display one of the banners, in a totally Random fashion, on any page that you insert a certain variable?

Or better yet :

Is there a hack here that allows you to upload a banner to your server, then enter it in the Admin CP, with the url to redirect it to, and a name for the Banner, and then make it display one of the banners, in a totally Random fashion, on any given page that you say it can, by either entering a number 1 or 2...1 being High priority, and 2 being low priority, and then insert a certain variable for each priority on a page?

I.e. :

Random Banner Generator :

Name : DarkBlazes Banner 1
URL to goto : http://www.darkblazes.com/
URL of banner : http://www.darkblazes.com/banner1.gif
Priority Level (1 = High, 2 = Low) : 1

Say for instance, a main page, like : http://www.darkblazes.com/index.html
Say for instance, a lesser used page, like : http://www.darkblazes.com/hello.html

Where $highbanner calls the High Priority banners, and $lowbanner calls the Low Priority banners...

If not, could someone make this?


07-26-2002, 02:01 PM
Banners Are Bad[TM]

Chris M
07-26-2002, 02:02 PM


Chris M
07-27-2002, 09:32 AM
Hmm...I guess I'll have to try and make it myself:(


07-27-2002, 07:43 PM
PPN got one


Chris M
07-27-2002, 08:55 PM

Well...I kinda made my own...

Just need to make it random now:)
