View Full Version : new table or new database?

10-25-2000, 03:01 PM
When should you use a new table in a database as opposed to a completly different database.

I am building an advanced "refer it" script and don't know whether to use a new database or table. Personally, having a dedicated server a new database is easier but are other people limited by the amounts of databases they have and just use a new table in it? or should i make it so you can choose?

10-25-2000, 03:04 PM
If it is for vB then put it in the same database as alot of users (such as myself) will only have one Database in their plan (more cost $$$).

10-25-2000, 03:21 PM
I would use one database as well... actually having anything related to vB all in the same database makes sense and is the best performance wise. I only create a seperate database when I need to for a different product.


10-25-2000, 03:38 PM
ok i will put it in the same database to start with and then create a altered version for those not using it with vbulletin.

thanks everyone.