10-25-2000, 02:18 PM
Right I have added the templates and created a file called: online.php
But when accessing it dosen't display any users! :(
Here is whole of Online.php:
require( "global.php" );
// ############################### start online users form ###############################
// #####
// ##### Online Users Modification
// #####
// ##### Matt Rogish
// ##### 7/5/00
// #####
// ##### Updated 8/29/00
if( $action == "onlineusers" ) {
$loggedins = $DB_site->query_first( "SELECT COUNT(sessionid) AS sessions FROM session" );
$totalonline = $loggedins[ sessions ];
$loggedins = $DB_site->query_first( "SELECT COUNT(sessionid) AS sessions FROM session WHERE userid = 0" );
$numberguest = $loggedins[ sessions ];
$loggedins = $DB_site->query_first( "SELECT COUNT(sessionid) AS sessions FROM session WHERE userid <> 0" );
$numberregistered = $loggedins[ sessions ];
$numVisible = 0;
$onlineNow = $DB_site->query( "SELECT s.userid, u.username, s.location FROM session s LEFT JOIN user u ON u.userid = s.userid WHERE s.userid <> 0 AND u.invisible = 0 ORDER BY u.username ASC" );
if( $online = $DB_site->fetch_array( $onlineNow ) ) {
$userid = $online[ userid ];
$username = $online[ username ];
$location = $online[ location ];
// Save our hyperlink
$locationLink = $location;
// Give us the .php file and path
$phpFile = strtok( $location, "?" );
// Give us the extra threadid=47565&pagenumber=2
$queryString = strtok( "?" );
if( empty( $queryString ) ) {
if( strpos( $location, "chat" ) ) {
$location = "$bbtitle Chat";
} else {
$location = "$bbtitle Main";
} // end if
} else {
// Give us the query (threadID, forumID, etc.)
$query = strtok( $queryString, "=" );
if( strcasecmp( $query, "action" ) == 0 ) {
// Then we are either newreply or getinfo, etc.
$query = strtok( "&" );
// Preserve the "newreply" or "editpost"
$mainQuery = $query;
// Get the "other" thing
$query = strtok( "=" );
} // end if
// Give us the number (potentially followed by other things)
$oldID = strtok( "=" );
// Clear out the ID
$id = "";
if( eregi( "[0-9]+", $oldID, $cleanIDArray ) ) {
for( $i = 0; $i <= count( $cleanIDArray ); $i++ ) {
$id .= $cleanIDArray[ $i ];
} // end for
} else {
// Nothing, so probably the main page
$location = "$bbtitle Main";
} // end if
if( empty( $id ) ) {
$id = 0;
} // end if
if( strcasecmp( $query, "threadid" ) == 0 ){
$threadTitle = $DB_site->query_first( "SELECT title, forumid FROM thread WHERE threadid=$id" );
$location = $threadTitle[ title ];
$forumid = $threadTitle[ forumid ];
$forumid = verifyid( "forum", $forumid );
$getperms = getpermissions( $bbuserid, $bbusergroupid, $forumid );
if( $getperms[ canview ] == 0 ) {
$location = "Moderators Only Thread";
$locationLink = "/board/";
} // end if
} else if( strcasecmp( $query, "forumid" ) == 0 and strcasecmp( $mainQuery, "newthread" ) != 0 ) {
$forumTitle = $DB_site->query_first( "SELECT title FROM forum WHERE forumid=$id" );
$location = $forumTitle[ title ];
} else if( strcasecmp( $query, "postid" ) == 0 and strcasecmp( $mainQuery, "editpost" ) != 0 ){
$getthreadid = $DB_site->query_first( "SELECT threadid FROM post WHERE postid=$id" );
$threadid = $getthreadid[ threadid ];
if( !empty( $threadid ) ) {
$threadTitle = $DB_site->query_first( "SELECT title, forumid FROM thread WHERE threadid=$threadid" );
$location = $threadTitle[ title ];
$forumid = $threadTitle[ forumid ];
$forumid = verifyid( "forum", $forumid );
$getperms = getpermissions( $bbuserid, $bbusergroupid, $forumid );
if( $getperms[ canview ] == 0 ) {
$location = "Moderators Only Thread";
$locationLink = "/board/";
} // end if
} else {
$location = "Unknown location!";
} // end if
} else if( strcasecmp( $mainQuery, "getinfo" ) == 0 ) {
$userResult = $DB_site->query_first( "SELECT username FROM user WHERE userid=$id" );
$userName = $userResult[ username ];
$location = "Get User Information For: $userName";
} else if( strcasecmp( $mainQuery, "newthread" ) == 0 ) {
$forumTitle = $DB_site->query_first( "SELECT title FROM forum WHERE forumid=$id" );
$forum = $forumTitle[ title ];
$location = "Creating new thread in $forum";
} else if( strpos( $phpFile, "private.php" ) ) {
$location = "Private Messaging";
} else if( strpos( $phpFile, "search.php" ) ) {
$location = "Searching";
} else if( strpos( $phpFile, "memberlist.php" ) ) {
$location = "Member Listing";
} else if( strcasecmp( $mainQuery, "editpost" ) == 0 ) {
$getthread = $DB_site->query_first( "SELECT threadid FROM post WHERE postid=$id" );
$threadid = $getthread[ threadid ];
if( !empty( $threadid ) ) {
$threadTitle = $DB_site->query_first( "SELECT title, forumid FROM thread WHERE threadid=$threadid" );
$thread = $threadTitle[ title ];
$forumid = $threadTitle[ forumid ];
$forumid = verifyid( "forum", $forumid );
$getperms = getpermissions( $bbuserid, $bbusergroupid, $forumid );
if( $getperms[ canview ] == 0 ) {
$thread = "Moderators Only Thread";
$locationLink = "/board/";
} // end if
} else {
$location = "Unknown location!";
} // end if
$location = "Editing post in $thread";
} else if( strcasecmp( $mainQuery, "onlineusers" ) == 0 ) {
$location = "Online Users Listing";
} else {
$location = "Unknown location!";
} // end if
} // end if
eval("\$whoisonlinebits .= \"" . gettemplate("whoisonlinebit") . "\";");
while( $online = $DB_site->fetch_array( $onlineNow ) ) {
$userid = $online[ userid ];
$username = $online[ username ];
$location = $online[ location ];
// Save our hyperlink
$locationLink = $location;
// Give us the .php file and path
$phpFile = strtok( $location, "?" );
// Give us the extra threadid=47565&pagenumber=2
$queryString = strtok( "?" );
if( empty( $queryString ) ) {
if( strpos( $location, "chat" ) ) {
$location = "$bbtitle Chat";
} else {
$location = "$bbtitle Main";
} // end if
} else {
// Give us the query (threadID, forumID, etc.)
$query = strtok( $queryString, "=" );
if( strcasecmp( $query, "action" ) == 0 ) {
// Then we are either newreply or getinfo, etc.
$query = strtok( "&" );
// Preserve the "newreply" or "editpost"
$mainQuery = $query;
// Get the "other" thing
$query = strtok( "=" );
} // end if
// Give us the number (potentially followed by other things)
$oldID = strtok( "=" );
// Clear out the ID
$id = "";
if( eregi( "[0-9]+", $oldID, $cleanIDArray ) ) {
for( $i = 0; $i <= count( $cleanIDArray ); $i++ ) {
$id .= $cleanIDArray[ $i ];
} // end for
} else {
// Nothing, so probably the main page
$location = "$bbtitle Main";
} // end if
if( empty( $id ) ) {
$id = 0;
} // end if
if( strcasecmp( $query, "threadid" ) == 0 ){
$threadTitle = $DB_site->query_first( "SELECT title, forumid FROM thread WHERE threadid=$id" );
$location = $threadTitle[ title ];
$forumid = $threadTitle[ forumid ];
$forumid = verifyid( "forum", $forumid );
$getperms = getpermissions( $bbuserid, $bbusergroupid, $forumid );
if( $getperms[ canview ] == 0 ) {
$location = "Moderators Only Thread";
$locationLink = "/board/";
} // end if
} else if( strcasecmp( $query, "forumid" ) == 0 and strcasecmp( $mainQuery, "newthread" ) != 0 ) {
$forumTitle = $DB_site->query_first( "SELECT title FROM forum WHERE forumid=$id" );
$location = $forumTitle[ title ];
} else if( strcasecmp( $query, "postid" ) == 0 and strcasecmp( $mainQuery, "editpost" ) != 0 ) {
$getthreadid = $DB_site->query_first( "SELECT threadid FROM post WHERE postid=$id" );
$threadid = $getthreadid[ threadid ];
if( !empty( $threadid ) ) {
$threadTitle = $DB_site->query_first( "SELECT title, forumid FROM thread WHERE threadid=$threadid" );
$location = $threadTitle[ title ];
$forumid = $threadTitle[ forumid ];
$forumid = verifyid( "forum", $forumid );
$getperms = getpermissions( $bbuserid, $bbusergroupid, $forumid );
if( $getperms[ canview ] == 0 ) {
$location = "Moderators Only Thread";
$locationLink = "/board/";
} // end if
} else {
$location = "Unknown location!";
} // end if
} else if( strcasecmp( $mainQuery, "getinfo" ) == 0 ) {
$userResult = $DB_site->query_first( "SELECT username FROM user WHERE userid=$id" );
$userName = $userResult[ username ];
$location = "Getting user information for $userName";
} else if( strcasecmp( $mainQuery, "newthread" ) == 0 ) {
$forumTitle = $DB_site->query_first( "SELECT title FROM forum WHERE forumid=$id" );
$forum = $forumTitle[ title ];
$location = "Creating new thread in $forum";
} else if( strpos( $phpFile, "private.php" ) ) {
$location = "Private Messaging";
} else if( strpos( $phpFile, "search.php" ) ) {
$location = "Searching";
} else if( strpos( $phpFile, "memberlist.php" ) ) {
$location = "Member Listing";
} else if( strcasecmp( $mainQuery, "editpost" ) == 0 ) {
$getthread = $DB_site->query_first( "SELECT threadid FROM post WHERE postid=$id" );
$threadid = $getthread[ threadid ];
if( !empty( $threadid ) ) {
$threadTitle = $DB_site->query_first( "SELECT title, forumid FROM thread WHERE threadid=$threadid" );
$thread = $threadTitle[ title ];
$forumid = $threadTitle[ forumid ];
$forumid = verifyid( "forum", $forumid );
$getperms = getpermissions( $bbuserid, $bbusergroupid, $forumid );
if( $getperms[ canview ] == 0 ) {
$thread = "Moderators Only Thread";
$locationLink = "/board/";
} // end if
} else {
$location = "Unknown location!";
} // end if
$location = "Editing post in $thread";
} else if( strcasecmp( $mainQuery, "onlineusers" ) == 0 ) {
$location = "Online Users Listing";
} else {
$location = "Unknown location!";
} // end if
} // end if
eval( "\$whoisonlinebits .= \"" . gettemplate( "whoisonlinebit" ) . "\";" );
} // end while
eval( "echo dovars(\"" . gettemplate( "whoisonline" ) . "\");" );
} // end if
} // end if
// #####
// ##### Online Users Modification
// #####
// ##### Matt Rogish
// ##### 7/5/00
// #####
// ##### Updated 8/29/00
// ############################### end online users form ###############################
Whats the problem?
But when accessing it dosen't display any users! :(
Here is whole of Online.php:
require( "global.php" );
// ############################### start online users form ###############################
// #####
// ##### Online Users Modification
// #####
// ##### Matt Rogish
// ##### 7/5/00
// #####
// ##### Updated 8/29/00
if( $action == "onlineusers" ) {
$loggedins = $DB_site->query_first( "SELECT COUNT(sessionid) AS sessions FROM session" );
$totalonline = $loggedins[ sessions ];
$loggedins = $DB_site->query_first( "SELECT COUNT(sessionid) AS sessions FROM session WHERE userid = 0" );
$numberguest = $loggedins[ sessions ];
$loggedins = $DB_site->query_first( "SELECT COUNT(sessionid) AS sessions FROM session WHERE userid <> 0" );
$numberregistered = $loggedins[ sessions ];
$numVisible = 0;
$onlineNow = $DB_site->query( "SELECT s.userid, u.username, s.location FROM session s LEFT JOIN user u ON u.userid = s.userid WHERE s.userid <> 0 AND u.invisible = 0 ORDER BY u.username ASC" );
if( $online = $DB_site->fetch_array( $onlineNow ) ) {
$userid = $online[ userid ];
$username = $online[ username ];
$location = $online[ location ];
// Save our hyperlink
$locationLink = $location;
// Give us the .php file and path
$phpFile = strtok( $location, "?" );
// Give us the extra threadid=47565&pagenumber=2
$queryString = strtok( "?" );
if( empty( $queryString ) ) {
if( strpos( $location, "chat" ) ) {
$location = "$bbtitle Chat";
} else {
$location = "$bbtitle Main";
} // end if
} else {
// Give us the query (threadID, forumID, etc.)
$query = strtok( $queryString, "=" );
if( strcasecmp( $query, "action" ) == 0 ) {
// Then we are either newreply or getinfo, etc.
$query = strtok( "&" );
// Preserve the "newreply" or "editpost"
$mainQuery = $query;
// Get the "other" thing
$query = strtok( "=" );
} // end if
// Give us the number (potentially followed by other things)
$oldID = strtok( "=" );
// Clear out the ID
$id = "";
if( eregi( "[0-9]+", $oldID, $cleanIDArray ) ) {
for( $i = 0; $i <= count( $cleanIDArray ); $i++ ) {
$id .= $cleanIDArray[ $i ];
} // end for
} else {
// Nothing, so probably the main page
$location = "$bbtitle Main";
} // end if
if( empty( $id ) ) {
$id = 0;
} // end if
if( strcasecmp( $query, "threadid" ) == 0 ){
$threadTitle = $DB_site->query_first( "SELECT title, forumid FROM thread WHERE threadid=$id" );
$location = $threadTitle[ title ];
$forumid = $threadTitle[ forumid ];
$forumid = verifyid( "forum", $forumid );
$getperms = getpermissions( $bbuserid, $bbusergroupid, $forumid );
if( $getperms[ canview ] == 0 ) {
$location = "Moderators Only Thread";
$locationLink = "/board/";
} // end if
} else if( strcasecmp( $query, "forumid" ) == 0 and strcasecmp( $mainQuery, "newthread" ) != 0 ) {
$forumTitle = $DB_site->query_first( "SELECT title FROM forum WHERE forumid=$id" );
$location = $forumTitle[ title ];
} else if( strcasecmp( $query, "postid" ) == 0 and strcasecmp( $mainQuery, "editpost" ) != 0 ){
$getthreadid = $DB_site->query_first( "SELECT threadid FROM post WHERE postid=$id" );
$threadid = $getthreadid[ threadid ];
if( !empty( $threadid ) ) {
$threadTitle = $DB_site->query_first( "SELECT title, forumid FROM thread WHERE threadid=$threadid" );
$location = $threadTitle[ title ];
$forumid = $threadTitle[ forumid ];
$forumid = verifyid( "forum", $forumid );
$getperms = getpermissions( $bbuserid, $bbusergroupid, $forumid );
if( $getperms[ canview ] == 0 ) {
$location = "Moderators Only Thread";
$locationLink = "/board/";
} // end if
} else {
$location = "Unknown location!";
} // end if
} else if( strcasecmp( $mainQuery, "getinfo" ) == 0 ) {
$userResult = $DB_site->query_first( "SELECT username FROM user WHERE userid=$id" );
$userName = $userResult[ username ];
$location = "Get User Information For: $userName";
} else if( strcasecmp( $mainQuery, "newthread" ) == 0 ) {
$forumTitle = $DB_site->query_first( "SELECT title FROM forum WHERE forumid=$id" );
$forum = $forumTitle[ title ];
$location = "Creating new thread in $forum";
} else if( strpos( $phpFile, "private.php" ) ) {
$location = "Private Messaging";
} else if( strpos( $phpFile, "search.php" ) ) {
$location = "Searching";
} else if( strpos( $phpFile, "memberlist.php" ) ) {
$location = "Member Listing";
} else if( strcasecmp( $mainQuery, "editpost" ) == 0 ) {
$getthread = $DB_site->query_first( "SELECT threadid FROM post WHERE postid=$id" );
$threadid = $getthread[ threadid ];
if( !empty( $threadid ) ) {
$threadTitle = $DB_site->query_first( "SELECT title, forumid FROM thread WHERE threadid=$threadid" );
$thread = $threadTitle[ title ];
$forumid = $threadTitle[ forumid ];
$forumid = verifyid( "forum", $forumid );
$getperms = getpermissions( $bbuserid, $bbusergroupid, $forumid );
if( $getperms[ canview ] == 0 ) {
$thread = "Moderators Only Thread";
$locationLink = "/board/";
} // end if
} else {
$location = "Unknown location!";
} // end if
$location = "Editing post in $thread";
} else if( strcasecmp( $mainQuery, "onlineusers" ) == 0 ) {
$location = "Online Users Listing";
} else {
$location = "Unknown location!";
} // end if
} // end if
eval("\$whoisonlinebits .= \"" . gettemplate("whoisonlinebit") . "\";");
while( $online = $DB_site->fetch_array( $onlineNow ) ) {
$userid = $online[ userid ];
$username = $online[ username ];
$location = $online[ location ];
// Save our hyperlink
$locationLink = $location;
// Give us the .php file and path
$phpFile = strtok( $location, "?" );
// Give us the extra threadid=47565&pagenumber=2
$queryString = strtok( "?" );
if( empty( $queryString ) ) {
if( strpos( $location, "chat" ) ) {
$location = "$bbtitle Chat";
} else {
$location = "$bbtitle Main";
} // end if
} else {
// Give us the query (threadID, forumID, etc.)
$query = strtok( $queryString, "=" );
if( strcasecmp( $query, "action" ) == 0 ) {
// Then we are either newreply or getinfo, etc.
$query = strtok( "&" );
// Preserve the "newreply" or "editpost"
$mainQuery = $query;
// Get the "other" thing
$query = strtok( "=" );
} // end if
// Give us the number (potentially followed by other things)
$oldID = strtok( "=" );
// Clear out the ID
$id = "";
if( eregi( "[0-9]+", $oldID, $cleanIDArray ) ) {
for( $i = 0; $i <= count( $cleanIDArray ); $i++ ) {
$id .= $cleanIDArray[ $i ];
} // end for
} else {
// Nothing, so probably the main page
$location = "$bbtitle Main";
} // end if
if( empty( $id ) ) {
$id = 0;
} // end if
if( strcasecmp( $query, "threadid" ) == 0 ){
$threadTitle = $DB_site->query_first( "SELECT title, forumid FROM thread WHERE threadid=$id" );
$location = $threadTitle[ title ];
$forumid = $threadTitle[ forumid ];
$forumid = verifyid( "forum", $forumid );
$getperms = getpermissions( $bbuserid, $bbusergroupid, $forumid );
if( $getperms[ canview ] == 0 ) {
$location = "Moderators Only Thread";
$locationLink = "/board/";
} // end if
} else if( strcasecmp( $query, "forumid" ) == 0 and strcasecmp( $mainQuery, "newthread" ) != 0 ) {
$forumTitle = $DB_site->query_first( "SELECT title FROM forum WHERE forumid=$id" );
$location = $forumTitle[ title ];
} else if( strcasecmp( $query, "postid" ) == 0 and strcasecmp( $mainQuery, "editpost" ) != 0 ) {
$getthreadid = $DB_site->query_first( "SELECT threadid FROM post WHERE postid=$id" );
$threadid = $getthreadid[ threadid ];
if( !empty( $threadid ) ) {
$threadTitle = $DB_site->query_first( "SELECT title, forumid FROM thread WHERE threadid=$threadid" );
$location = $threadTitle[ title ];
$forumid = $threadTitle[ forumid ];
$forumid = verifyid( "forum", $forumid );
$getperms = getpermissions( $bbuserid, $bbusergroupid, $forumid );
if( $getperms[ canview ] == 0 ) {
$location = "Moderators Only Thread";
$locationLink = "/board/";
} // end if
} else {
$location = "Unknown location!";
} // end if
} else if( strcasecmp( $mainQuery, "getinfo" ) == 0 ) {
$userResult = $DB_site->query_first( "SELECT username FROM user WHERE userid=$id" );
$userName = $userResult[ username ];
$location = "Getting user information for $userName";
} else if( strcasecmp( $mainQuery, "newthread" ) == 0 ) {
$forumTitle = $DB_site->query_first( "SELECT title FROM forum WHERE forumid=$id" );
$forum = $forumTitle[ title ];
$location = "Creating new thread in $forum";
} else if( strpos( $phpFile, "private.php" ) ) {
$location = "Private Messaging";
} else if( strpos( $phpFile, "search.php" ) ) {
$location = "Searching";
} else if( strpos( $phpFile, "memberlist.php" ) ) {
$location = "Member Listing";
} else if( strcasecmp( $mainQuery, "editpost" ) == 0 ) {
$getthread = $DB_site->query_first( "SELECT threadid FROM post WHERE postid=$id" );
$threadid = $getthread[ threadid ];
if( !empty( $threadid ) ) {
$threadTitle = $DB_site->query_first( "SELECT title, forumid FROM thread WHERE threadid=$threadid" );
$thread = $threadTitle[ title ];
$forumid = $threadTitle[ forumid ];
$forumid = verifyid( "forum", $forumid );
$getperms = getpermissions( $bbuserid, $bbusergroupid, $forumid );
if( $getperms[ canview ] == 0 ) {
$thread = "Moderators Only Thread";
$locationLink = "/board/";
} // end if
} else {
$location = "Unknown location!";
} // end if
$location = "Editing post in $thread";
} else if( strcasecmp( $mainQuery, "onlineusers" ) == 0 ) {
$location = "Online Users Listing";
} else {
$location = "Unknown location!";
} // end if
} // end if
eval( "\$whoisonlinebits .= \"" . gettemplate( "whoisonlinebit" ) . "\";" );
} // end while
eval( "echo dovars(\"" . gettemplate( "whoisonline" ) . "\");" );
} // end if
} // end if
// #####
// ##### Online Users Modification
// #####
// ##### Matt Rogish
// ##### 7/5/00
// #####
// ##### Updated 8/29/00
// ############################### end online users form ###############################
Whats the problem?