View Full Version : How to, integrate hosting packages into vb

07-21-2002, 09:34 PM
Hi, my friend is going to get a liscense, and he told me to find out how to do this, since he is not signed up, he told me to ask, and since he is going to buy it, I guess these are the right forums :bunny:

So how would he go about, integrating parts of his sites with vbulletin templates?

I know there is a hack, but he told me to ask :alien:

07-22-2002, 06:01 AM
There's a hack called WebTemplates, I think it does that.

If he is an ok PHP coder he won't have any troubles, it's just a matter of including vB's global.php file and using gettemplate().

07-22-2002, 03:06 PM
Ok thanks again Chen, I hope my friend will sleep peacefully from now on knowing that his question is answered.