View Full Version : [RELEASE] Favorites v1.0

10-25-2000, 03:58 AM
it's all here -> http://www.vbulletin.org/hacks/hacks.php?action=gethack&id=31

(I hope it works for you :>)

Creating installs is a bitch! Just putting the templates in a text file and making you create them yourself is so much easier :)

10-25-2000, 04:06 AM

10-25-2000, 04:10 AM
Only thing I can add at the moment is some sort of ordering as it displays threads in order of last reply right now.

10-25-2000, 04:20 AM
I never cared much for the Rangers until recently ;)

Excellent Hack Rangersfan! Simple to install, took ... , well...see for yourself the amount of time to install...


Wanna See?

http://cheaptalk.marijuana.com <---Just HIT it!

vBulletin rules.

10-25-2000, 04:50 AM
Archive now has top_favorites.gif for those of you who use the fivelinks icons.

Fixed 2 bugs so replace favorites.php if you have downloaded already.

10-25-2000, 08:45 AM
Very very nice hack ragersfan! Thanks!

One feature suggestion:
When users are adding favorites, have a small pop-up that uses another template (which one should make as simple as possible). This would make adding favorites easy, quick, and users wouldn't have to move out of their current page.

10-25-2000, 10:15 AM
excellent its up!

I will change the thread link in my sig and add this to my major update. :)

10-25-2000, 10:17 AM
What if we install both Save Threads and Favorites?

Would they get on running side by side?
will only one be really needed?

10-25-2000, 12:30 PM
Great hack Rangersfan, thanks :)

I am just having a small problem.... whenever I run http://www.progresstalk.com/forums/favorites.php I get the following error messages:

Warning: Call-time pass-by-reference has been
deprecated - argument passed by value; If you would
like to pass it by reference, modify the declaration of
init_folderjump(). If you would like to enable call-time
pass-by-reference, you can set
allow_call_time_pass_reference to true in your INI file.
However, future versions may not support this any
in /usr/local/etc/httpd/sites/progresstalk.com/htdocs/for
ums/favorites.php on line 103

Do you know what I can change in order to fix these?


[edit: formatting]

[Edited by Chris Schreiber on 10-25-2000 at 10:42 AM]

10-25-2000, 12:53 PM
Originally posted by Chris Schreiber
Do you know what I can change in order to fix these?

Well I just figured this out.... In my php.ini file there was a line that says: allow_call_time_pass_reference = Off. I changed the value from Off to On.


10-25-2000, 01:35 PM
Note to others.....If you've downloaded the PHTML version of vBulletin, make sure to change the file extensions in the templates and favorites.php when you install it.

Formatting it now...Hopefully I'll have it up tonight. What a cool little feature.

10-25-2000, 01:37 PM
Skeptical : Are you asking me to put javascript into the hack? I can make it an option but by no means will I make it the default. The users are returned to the thread they were on after adding it so I don't see it as a problem.

vBoard : You can have both but they serve the same purpose so only one would be needed

chris: I didn't realize PHP has an issue with pass by reference. The php manual clearly states how to pass by reference but it did not mention that it was something that may not work based on an INI setting. I will look into that further.

10-25-2000, 01:40 PM
Originally posted by rangersfan
I will look into that further.

Not a big deal, I was able to get it working... and my php.ini setting may have been different from the defaults (I think I used php.ini-optimized as a starting point). Just an FYI :)


10-25-2000, 01:53 PM
Ok Chris I fixed the problem so turn the setting back on and retrieve the archive again and replace favorites.php.

I just declared the variables as pass-by-reference in the function definition (as I would have done in C) instead of passing them by reference when I used the function.

03-13-2002, 10:12 AM
Someone interested in a working version of this hack for 2.2.2? :)

03-13-2002, 02:16 PM
Well... send me to where the file is.. or what it is and I just might