07-18-2002, 09:15 AM
Need your input, please check our site for flaws.
Ok after about a solid month, I believe our "bridge" for postnuke and vbulletin is finally stable. Our concept was to create a bridge that shares all user data between both programs, thus when you register through postnuke you are actually using vbulletin registration system. From then on everything is handled by postnuke. You login from there and logout from there. All cookies are shared.
We are not using any type of cron jobs, as our user base will skyrocket upon re-launch.
Some neat features are that when you change info in either user cp, it reflects in both. Either program can be hacked, adding db fields etc without effecting the bridge.
We used a majorly hacked vs of encarta to allow the multiple "index" pages with blocks on left and right in some pages and none on right on others, actually using 7 different "index" pages. Which if you use postnuke, is amazing in and of itself.
trying to layout better than using the < i frame> to display the forums and maintaining the menu system for postnuke.
merging the buddy sytem and private message systems together.
Please if anyone knows both programs, or is interested, please stop by and test our site. We are critically looking for errors before launching this new site.
thanks in advance.
www.annointed.net (http://www.annointed.net)
Ok after about a solid month, I believe our "bridge" for postnuke and vbulletin is finally stable. Our concept was to create a bridge that shares all user data between both programs, thus when you register through postnuke you are actually using vbulletin registration system. From then on everything is handled by postnuke. You login from there and logout from there. All cookies are shared.
We are not using any type of cron jobs, as our user base will skyrocket upon re-launch.
Some neat features are that when you change info in either user cp, it reflects in both. Either program can be hacked, adding db fields etc without effecting the bridge.
We used a majorly hacked vs of encarta to allow the multiple "index" pages with blocks on left and right in some pages and none on right on others, actually using 7 different "index" pages. Which if you use postnuke, is amazing in and of itself.
trying to layout better than using the < i frame> to display the forums and maintaining the menu system for postnuke.
merging the buddy sytem and private message systems together.
Please if anyone knows both programs, or is interested, please stop by and test our site. We are critically looking for errors before launching this new site.
thanks in advance.
www.annointed.net (http://www.annointed.net)