View Full Version : go to last post not working.

07-16-2002, 12:09 AM
i installed a few hacks and stuff today and i just noticed that the go to last post icons, go to frist unread icons do not work, also you are not takin to your reply after you post.

i only noticed this after installing fireflys users broswing this thread hack. but like i said i installed alot of them today so i dont know which would be doing this.

so what file effects these actions? mabey then i can get to the root of the problem and find out whats wrong.

(its ganna be functions.php isent it?, that file anoys me ;) )

07-16-2002, 12:12 AM
uploaded clean bak of fuctions.php, wasent it

07-16-2002, 06:52 AM
erm help? :(

07-16-2002, 07:15 AM
When I was editing vBulletinTemplate postbit, this happened as well, I left out one key variable that bring you back to the post as well as makes the "Goto Last Post" function work and that would be:

"<a name="post$post[postid]"></a>"

Just stick that next the "$post[title]" variable and things should work once again (of course, remove the quotes ;)).


- SaintDog

07-16-2002, 07:23 AM
that got it working, i wrote my postbit up from scratch so i overlooked it ^_^ thanks

(funny thing is the exact same thing happened to me under ubb a year ago, sould have thought to look)

07-16-2002, 02:03 PM
No problem, glad to hear things are working again :).

- SaintDog