View Full Version : Missing a snippet of code, I think...

07-15-2002, 01:22 AM
Hi guys,
Over a year ago, I had the help of a few of the vb guys who helped me hack my vb with some additional features specific to my site.

One of the features was an additional calendar event.

This is just like the birthday event for the calendar which shows up on the main page listed, in their profile for editing and during registration.

My added calendar event is simply called "special event".

This feature *is* working...however it doesn't show up on the register.php anymore. I have no idea how long its been missing but it used to be there, asking the new members as they register for their info...birthday...and the date of their "special event".

They can register...and then "edit their profile" to add this special event as this is editable in their user control prefs. The special event members show up on the main page in another list.

I am php challenged to say the least. :D

Here is what I know: The template that is just like the birthday template is called:
and this is called during the edit profile in the member.php.

As I look at register.php the register_specialevent template isn't called and the snip that should be after the birthday snip for the registration process for adult...just isn't there.

Soooo...I know yuo are thinking I should contact the guys that helped me the first time but these guys are sooo busy that I hate to bug them anymore. They have been a great help to me...but I'd rather not be a pest.

Is there anyone that I can share the files with who can help me know (based on what is already in the member.php file) what to add to the register.php file to make this special event date show up during registration along with the birthday date question?

Thanks for your help ahead of time!