View Full Version : User decision: Only mod/admin can read their posts

07-13-2002, 05:28 AM
Hi guys,

first, i am NOT searching for the Lockdown or Hide Hack.

What i need for our forums is a hack, where normal users are able to decide in a specific forum, wether only the mod of this forum and admins can read their posts or everybody can read it.

The reason is, we want to offer a forum, where people can talk about their problems in real life, they may have. And not everybody likes to share their problems with all other users.

Cause of that, it should be possible, that the mod can decide, wether his answer is only shown to the user, who started the post or everybody else can read.

Hope i wrote it in a way, it is understandable :) Sorry for my bad english.

07-13-2002, 09:28 AM
FireFly has released a Hack: Post posts in a thread and only allow Mods to read them.

Actually, its just for mods to posts such, but it shouldn't be hard to change that everyuser can post posts just readable to mods/admin

07-14-2002, 01:03 PM
If i would be able to do, i would do it. ;)

Maybe FireFly has a little time left? Would be nice...