View Full Version : Please Help...

07-13-2002, 03:43 AM
Hello, I am having the hardest time with this.

First look at this page: http://www.finheaven.com/boardvb2/

Now, notice how the "Talk Football" category has an orange border top, but nothing on the bottom.

Now, go to the next category, "Other" and notice how there is an orange border both on the top and bottom.

Here is what I did, I put the top border in the "forumhome_forumbit_level1_nopost " template, and that worked perfectly. I then put the bottom border in the "forumhome" template, and this time it only made the change to the second category.

I'm totally lost... if anyone needs to see the actual code (the code for the top and bottom portion) please let me know.

I hope someone can help me out... I don't know where else to put the bottom portion of that border.

Thanks in advance....

Andrew Tatum

Martin CX
07-13-2002, 10:15 PM
Have you changed it? I can't see any problems? Nonetheless, I assume you still want help so here goes.

I assume you use tables to draw your borders, and you ask where to put the bottom end of the border (</table>). Well, it might sound strange, but you'd want to put it it the "forumbit_level1_nopost" BEFORE everything else! That is:

"</table> (end of border)

<br /> (space between categories of forums)

<table>" (start of new border)

Two things, now. First you'll have to remove the last</table> from your shoutbox-table. Second, because I assumed you wanted a space between your groups of forums (if you didn't just remove the linebreak and disregard the next part), you would want to remove the forum header (forum, posts, threads, last post and so on) from the forumhome template and place as a row in the bottom of your forumbit_level1_nopost.

That should fix it.

07-14-2002, 12:13 AM
Hey - thanks for the help, except I don't see the last </table> from your shoutbox-table..... I looked in the "forumhome_shoutbox" and didn't even see a table.

Thanks for your help... its much appreciated.

07-14-2002, 12:44 AM
Just remembered, that this may help you out:
