View Full Version : $doneannouncements variable?

07-10-2002, 02:24 PM
can you please explain to me what exacly $doneannouncements variable does?
i see it present only 6 times in all vB files. if i change it to:
$doneadvertisements = 0;

what will affect? is it related to a function that i missed? or is just a simple variable to let me know when it starts and when it finishes?

07-10-2002, 03:10 PM
i think it is needed here:
// check to see if there are threads OR announcements (in a non-category forum only)
if ($totalthreads>0 or $doneannouncements==1 or $stickyids != '') {
round line 652 forumdisplay.php

as you can see it decides which templates are used when displaying a forum.

normaly it has no real use, just if you have a empty forum, with no threads but 1 announcement in it

07-10-2002, 03:38 PM
thanks alot xenon. :)