View Full Version : I am having a problem and not sure where it's coming from

07-09-2002, 01:30 PM
My members have experienced it but I personally havnt. They made a thread about it here. ( Even included a screen shot. I am thinking it might have something to do with the hosting company I'm with right now just because they have had so many problems. But I would like to rule out my code if I could before I jump down thier throats. I am running 2.2.6 and the only hacks I have are the welcome panal, flashing pm bar.

Any ideas guys?

07-13-2002, 03:08 AM
It looks like it's not an error but just a browser issue. This happens to me, as well -- on all vB boards occasionally. It sometimes has trouble rendering the page and a quick refresh gets rid of it. That's why the issue seems so sporadic. I wouldn't worry about it.