View Full Version : Please help

07-09-2002, 01:17 PM
I know I should be posting about this at the vb forums instead but I lost my password and can't login.

I am trying to upload a file with cute ftp to my server, after downloading it and editing it to add a hack but I am getting this message:


You don't have permission to perform this action. Press Help to see details on why you could be receiving this error.

Files won't upload or you get a‘permission denied’ response from the server.

- Your permissions may need to be reset. Call your web hosting server administrator.
- The file may no longer exist. Look for the file on the server side of CuteFTP after you connect to the site.

Do you know why this is so? I asked my host and he says everything is running okay on his end. I'd appreciate your help.

07-10-2002, 12:34 AM
Well it was a host problem, he discovered it after I talked to him about it and all is fixed now, thanks anyway! :D