View Full Version : [Release] Category Images

07-09-2002, 02:48 AM
This is the long awaited tutorial on how to replace your categories with images w/o a border (such as what has been done both at vBT and at yaxay).

I will provide support both in this thread and at the one at vBT, although I don't feel any support would be needed as this is an easy modification and am surprised no one esle has released it yet :) (please be sure to read the instructions fully before asking for any support).

You can easily see an example by looking at Yaxay.com's categories or vBulletinTemplates.com's.

Enjoy :)

- SaintDog

07-09-2002, 04:50 AM
Very nice. Quite surprised that no one released this either. Glad someone did though.
