View Full Version : All Times are GMT...

07-07-2002, 07:35 AM
For non Logged in & unregistered, "All Times are GMT" is displayed at the bottom of the page, and all posts reflect this. I found a note in vBulletin.com that said a hack had been made to have it reflect admin's default time, so that unregistered & non-logged in would see, say,

"All times are New York City time"

until they register or log in.

I can't find that hack. Is there one?



07-07-2002, 07:39 AM
I believe that you can just change it in your vbulletin admin options settings :p i could be wrong though ;) but there's also a hack that includes showing a user's time according to where they're at... if worsts comes to worst try searching the hack database :)


07-07-2002, 09:11 AM
Check here: http://www.vbulletin.com/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=20854

With a simple modification you can change the default time zone of your board..