View Full Version : This will sound dumb but I have to ask

07-05-2002, 05:51 AM
If I purchase a license the one that is $130+ for unlimited support I believe..

say I install it and it is working fine.

I have two web hosting providers.
If I setup all the files under one hosting provider.

and it works fine

Then I goto my other hosting provider and put files there, WILL IT WORK on both sites, or is there a check that is done.

Basically I dont care what the license says in the way of having x ammount of licenses I am curious if it is POSSIBLE to install this bulletin board on more then one web hosting company.

Again I dont want flames calling warez moneky, I am just looking for info so I can setup two servers that both have duplicate forums however one will be accessed. and if for some reason one server goes down I can quickly shoot it over to the other forum...

there are no checks done by vbulletin or anything right???

07-05-2002, 06:41 AM
Yes, and it is legal as long as one can not be acessed by the public.

for example i run a test forum on my server, one on my pc, and i have my live forum on my server.

07-05-2002, 07:02 AM
Yay, Thanks for understanding question....
so If I do have two servers and one is a test server which only I and a admin have we can access both servers and both forums can be on but it is not illegal as long as we dont give access to them is that right? and also if some one does have more then one instance of the forum running live. and we want to turn them in how can we do this? is it possible to even run a forum on two different servers live with out being noticed? like some cd key? I may have my admin take my software so he can install for me, but if he gave mine out to other people would there be a way to find out? or do you have to actually know the site that it is installed on and then goto vbulletin.com and have them check into it? AFTER you know the site? or when some one setsup a site with vbulletin does it automatically let vb know? I dont want a billion people using my copy if my admin is a warezmonkey :P

Thanks again

Scott MacVicar
07-05-2002, 07:05 AM
Yes we would know if this was done, the license number is logged and vB would automatically know.

It is possible for people to run two boards from one license but it is illegal and breaks the license agreement.

To repoert a suspected pirate board go to http://www.vbulletin.com/contact/piracy.php

07-05-2002, 07:09 AM
cool thanks again...

07-23-2002, 03:07 PM
Hahaha.. check out mgigante's web site ;)

If you are affiliated with any GOVERNMENT, ISP, ANTI-Piracy group or any other related group or were formally a worker of one of the aforementioned groups, you DO NOT HAVE PERMISSION to enter this web site, DO NOT HAVE PERMISSION to access any of its files and DO NOT HAVE PERMISSION to view any of the .HTML files.

07-23-2002, 03:46 PM
Can I call you a 'Warez :banana:', then?
Warez is teh l4m3...