View Full Version : Spam Killer Hack v1.0 (includes Lesane's Store Hack Addon)

07-03-2002, 10:00 PM
As requested [ Here ] (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?s=&threadid=40640) by Hot Dogg ;)

// ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
// +++++++ Lesane Store Hack Version +++++++
// ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
// +++++++ Queries to Run (8) +++++++
// +++++++ File Modification (12) +++++++
// +++++++ storeadmin.php (3) +++++++
// +++++++ newthread.php (1) +++++++
// +++++++ newreply.php (1) +++++++
// +++++++ admin/user.php (5) +++++++
// +++++++ admin/functions.php (2) +++++++
// +++++++ Template Modifications (1) +++++++
// +++++++ postbit template (1) +++++++
// ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

// ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
// +++++++ Regular Spam Killer Version +++++++
// ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
// +++++++ Queries to Run (8) +++++++
// +++++++ File Modification (9) +++++++
// +++++++ newthread.php (1) +++++++
// +++++++ newreply.php (1) +++++++
// +++++++ admin/user.php (5) +++++++
// +++++++ admin/functions.php (2) +++++++
// +++++++ Template Modifications (1) +++++++
// +++++++ postbit template (1) +++++++
// ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

What Does This Hack Do?

* Notice: Please read the features and more below. If you have any questions please feel free to find support in the thread or at my forum!
Be sure to read the instructions closely since this is a double deal concerning different versions.
User the Store Hack Instructions if you're using a store and the regular instructions if you're not!

+++++++ Post Killer - What is it? +++++++
Allows you to seperate the spammers from the rest of the forum.
It will create a new post count called spam posts.
You will then be able to change the minimum amount of characters before a post is considered spam from the Admin CP.
Includes configuration for disabling Spam Killer from Administrators and Moderators!
Spam Posts are shown on the postbit right under the post count!
Post Count Deletion has been taken out in the deletion of posts and threads to keep post counts from falling into negatives when pruning or deleting!
Also i know some members were looking for taking out the drop of posts while deleting threads and posts :p
Another Addition is New Member Spam Killing. You can enable it or disable it from Admin CP as well.
If you enable it you can also configure the amount of posts before Spam Killing Begins on Newer Members.

+++++++ Lesane Store Hack Post Killer - More? Yep ;) +++++++
Some History:
I honestly don't use Lesane's Store Hack. I really like the set up and think its a great hack, but just never used it.
but Hot Dogg requested such an addon so why not right :D Enough Talk

More Features? :
Not only does the Lesane Store Hack get all of the features of the Regular Post Killer Hack it gets a special feature!
Since it's based off of Points System it allows users to gain posts while posting.
But with the Spam Killer you have the ability to set the Spam Killer to actually take away a specified amount of points from the user rather then them gettig points for spamming :p
And its also controlled in the Admin CP.

+++++++ Differences? +++++++
The difference between the two hacks is that not only does the Lesane Store Hack get an extra feature but they're also based differently.
Since Lesane's Store Hack already has a set database storeadmin i used that so that the options to be configured are in the storeadmin.php
As for the regular Spam Killer they're in vbulletins setting options :D
Well i hope that all members... both the Store Users and regular users enjoy this hack and have some fun killing Spammers :D

Sorry but once again i don't have any screenshots -_- but i did beta test it so enjoy it... If anyone could provide any i would appreciate it :D

Hot Dogg the only thing i didn't add in was the smileys inclusion wasnt' sure about that but i did and some other features enjoy man :D


Edit: quick fix in the lesane store setup thanks to Lovaboye :) For details on the two fixes view [ Here ] (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?s=&postid=269659#post269659)

07-04-2002, 11:17 AM
Great! I'll install this tonight :)

Chris M
07-04-2002, 01:38 PM


07-04-2002, 01:57 PM
ill be installing this :D

07-04-2002, 02:13 PM
looks good, well done

07-04-2002, 04:45 PM
Dope man you are the ++++....can someone attach the TXT file cause i dont have vbhacker....

07-04-2002, 05:23 PM
yeah it is the text file Hot Dogg :p i just use php files instead of using regular text files... don't know why just do :D


07-04-2002, 11:39 PM
dope man thx will install in a few days

07-04-2002, 11:49 PM
woah waoh, thx buddy but can you make ainstruction for your hack only cause i already have the store hack installed.

07-05-2002, 12:17 AM
yeah Lovaboye its only an addon to the Store Hack ;) install file instructions contain the regular spam hack version and the one modified to work with the store hac :)


07-05-2002, 12:45 AM
Can we talk on aim? I get this message whenever i try to save my work in the config panel:

Database error in vBulletin Control Panel 2.2.6:

Invalid SQL: UPDATE storeadmin SET id='1',storename='Cool Store', pointname='Money', welcome='Welcome on the store', welcomed='Here you can buy different goodies for the forum', showimg='N', showrich='Y', showgoodie='Y',newthread=10, newreply=5, reply1=1, reply2=2, reply3=3, reply4=4, reply5=5, rpoint1=1, rpoint2=2, rpoint3=3, rpoint4=4, rpoint5=5, view1=1, view2=2, view3=3, view4=4, view5=5, vpoint1=1, vpoint2=2, vpoint3=3, vpoint4=4, vpoint5=5, spamenabled=1, characters='250', pdeduction='5', spambyadmin=1, spambymod=1, spamnewbie=1, =''
mysql error: You have an error in your SQL syntax near '=''' at line 1

mysql error number: 1064

Date: Thursday 04th of July 2002 09:34:54 PM
Script: http://www.mysite.com/forum/forum/admin/storeadmin.php
Referer: http://www.mysite.com/forum/admin/storeadmin.php?action=config

07-05-2002, 01:25 AM
yeah whats your AIM?


UPDATE storeadmin SET id='1',storename='Cool Store', pointname='Money', welcome='Welcome on the store', welcomed='Here you can buy different goodies for the forum', showimg='N', showrich='Y', showgoodie='Y',newthread=10, newreply=5, reply1=1, reply2=2, reply3=3, reply4=4, reply5=5, rpoint1=1, rpoint2=2, rpoint3=3, rpoint4=4, rpoint5=5, view1=1, view2=2, view3=3, view4=4, view5=5, vpoint1=1, vpoint2=2, vpoint3=3, vpoint4=4, vpoint5=5, spamenabled=1, characters='250', pdeduction='5', spambyadmin=1, spambymod=1, spamnewbie=1, =''

Take that coding and delete the ending. I believe thats the problem...

spamnewbie=1, =");

should be:


See if that fixes it ;)


07-05-2002, 03:19 AM
I can't see the purpose of this...it basically is determining if someone is a spammer by how many characters are in their post? That is not very accurate. Putting a spam post count isn't likely to upset the spammer either, it'll probably provoke their sick minds to spam even more. I just cut the problem at the roots, and ban the spammer when they first show themself. :p

07-05-2002, 03:25 AM
well it personally makes the poster think before posting a little more... because you have two different kinds of posters... those that post... number counting threads (sad) and you have users that actually post huge posts... sure you can't discern from just characters...

Sure its definately easier to ban imo and i probably wont' use my own hack i just made it because someone requested it :)


07-05-2002, 04:09 PM
Originally posted by Velocd
I can't see the purpose of this...it basically is determining if someone is a spammer by how many characters are in their post? That is not very accurate. Putting a spam post count isn't likely to upset the spammer either, it'll probably provoke their sick minds to spam even more. I just cut the problem at the roots, and ban the spammer when they first show themself. :p

banning is extreme......it will make peeps think twice because they wont wanna lose there hard earned money

07-05-2002, 09:19 PM
File has been updated thanks to lovaboye on helping me with a few things...

first off if you want just the two simple changes here they are ;)

open storeadmin.php


$DB_site->query("UPDATE storeadmin SET id='1',storename='".addslashes($storename)."', pointname='".addslashes($pointname)."', welcome='".addslashes($welcome)."', welcomed='".addslashes($welcomed)."', showimg='$showimg', showrich='$showrich', showgoodie='$showgoodie',newthread=$newthread, newreply=$newreply, reply1=$reply1, reply2=$reply2, reply3=$reply3, reply4=$reply4, reply5=$reply5, rpoint1=$rpoint1, rpoint2=$rpoint2, rpoint3=$rpoint3, rpoint4=$rpoint4, rpoint5=$rpoint5, view1=$view1, view2=$view2, view3=$view3, view4=$view4, view5=$view5, vpoint1=$vpoint1, vpoint2=$vpoint2, vpoint3=$vpoint3, vpoint4=$vpoint4, vpoint5=$vpoint5, spamenabled=$spamenabled, characters='$characters', pdeduction='$pdeduction', spambyadmin=$spambyadmin, spambymod=$spambymod, spamnewbie=$spamnewbie, $spamkill='$spamkill'");

replace it with:

$DB_site->query("UPDATE storeadmin SET id='1',storename='".addslashes($storename)."', pointname='".addslashes($pointname)."', welcome='".addslashes($welcome)."', welcomed='".addslashes($welcomed)."', showimg='$showimg', showrich='$showrich', showgoodie='$showgoodie',newthread=$newthread, newreply=$newreply, reply1=$reply1, reply2=$reply2, reply3=$reply3, reply4=$reply4, reply5=$reply5, rpoint1=$rpoint1, rpoint2=$rpoint2, rpoint3=$rpoint3, rpoint4=$rpoint4, rpoint5=$rpoint5, view1=$view1, view2=$view2, view3=$view3, view4=$view4, view5=$view5, vpoint1=$vpoint1, vpoint2=$vpoint2, vpoint3=$vpoint3, vpoint4=$vpoint4, vpoint5=$vpoint5, spamenabled=$spamenabled, characters='$characters', pdeduction='$pdeduction', spambyadmin=$spambyadmin, spambymod=$spambymod, spamnewbie=$spamnewbie, spamkill='$spamkill'");

Second the postbit template


<br>Spam Count: $posts[spamposts]

replace it with:

<br>Spam Count: $post[spamposts]

finito enjoy :)


07-06-2002, 01:31 AM
Originally posted by Velocd
I can't see the purpose of this...it basically is determining if someone is a spammer by how many characters are in their post? That is not very accurate. Putting a spam post count isn't likely to upset the spammer either, it'll probably provoke their sick minds to spam even more. I just cut the problem at the roots, and ban the spammer when they first show themself. :p

Basically users have a tendency to post a lot of posts just to get the damn points - I call it post-running on my board, and it takes up about half my admin time, identifying the culprits and warning them to stop.

Any sort of option to detract "something" from those who post very short replys automatically - or just to add something to longer posts - is quite needed on my end.

That said, could you please verify the name of the hack for me - you say it includes Store Hack, but in this thread you call it an addon. Which is it? I'm not installing Store Hack again, I might look at an add-on for it.

07-06-2002, 01:59 AM
sorry larz for the confusion... but its actually two different' hacks... one compatible ( an addon, not a new release) for the Store hack and the other being a regular version... for those that have the store hack i'd suggested the Store Hack Add on :)


07-06-2002, 07:13 AM
g-force2k2, just by looking at the code, i can say that is not writen by you but pasted from other files. correct me if i'm wrong.
any coder knows what i'm talking about...

here it is an example:find:

if ($vpoint5 == '')
$vpoint5 = 0;

after it add:

if ($characters == '') {
if($pdeduction == '') {

07-06-2002, 01:20 PM
Originally posted by Nakkid
g-force2k2, just by looking at the code, i can say that is not writen by you but pasted from other files. correct me if i'm wrong.
any coder knows what i'm talking about...

here it is an example:find:

if ($vpoint5 == '')
$vpoint5 = 0;

after it add:

if ($characters == '') {
if($pdeduction == '') {

Nakkid what are you talking about? Seriously man have you just come trying to bash on me or is this some kind of joke... what coding is ripped and so easily recognized? Can you please explain?


07-06-2002, 05:25 PM
i apologise if i expressed myself the wrong way. i was simply curious if you wrote that code that's all. i simply looked at certain code expressions and they dont make sense to me the way they are written. that's all.
there are certain rules on writing php code, conditions etc. a coder is used to write it in his way always. from your code it looks like you write it in a way then 2 lines later in an other way...

dont take me wrong, i had no intentions to bash on you. i was simply curious if someone helped you on this.

07-06-2002, 05:40 PM
yeah i can see where you're coming from Nakkid... but the code that you pointed out was written by Lesane... it was the 'Spam Addon' for the Lesane Store Hack... i had made two different versions one for the Store Hack and one for regular useage... but if you do think that my coding is sloppy please point it out i know that you have more experience then me... im just a beginner so i need pointers... and yeah i guess i took it the wrong way from what you had previously written no hard feelings though aight?


07-08-2002, 02:37 AM
awesome this is as helpful as ever man = ]

08-02-2002, 02:43 PM
Nice Hack. i would like to install it but couldnt find the Download Link.

08-02-2002, 03:36 PM
Same here. Why'd you take down the attachment, g-force??? ;)

08-08-2002, 02:36 PM
Yeah, I was looking forward to installing this hack :(

08-09-2002, 06:25 AM
Can anyone Atach the File again ?

Thanks in advance

08-09-2002, 08:39 PM

Admin Cp W/ Lesane Store Addon.

Dark Shogun
08-18-2002, 09:17 PM
INSERT INTO settinggroup VALUES (32,'Spam Killer Hack', 32)

I get this mysql error when I put that in.

SQL-query :

INSERT INTO settinggroup VALUES (32,'Spam Killer Hack', 32)

MySQL said:

Duplicate entry '32' for key 1

08-18-2002, 09:22 PM
Dark Shogun then change all the 32 values to 33 and try running the queries ;) hope that does the trick :)


Dark Shogun
08-18-2002, 09:41 PM
Installed great. :) On to the next hack.

Dark Shogun

08-26-2002, 01:42 AM
Not sure what I did wrong....but after it was installed, post counts, nor $$$ changed. Admin CP was set to count spam for admins, I have the Store Hack. No errors were given...just no changes in the post counts were made (both for regular posts and for the new spam post count).

08-26-2002, 01:50 AM
did the store points calculate correctly?


08-26-2002, 03:31 AM
Nothing did. It was weird. It all just stopped working. I could post UNDER the spam setting, or OVER it...and the post count, spam post count, AND the store points ceased calculating.

Weird thing was, not a single error ever came up. lol

08-26-2002, 03:43 AM
can you show me the coding that you have in the newreply.php?

just where my mod is supposed to calculate? regards... and thanks in advance...


08-29-2002, 11:40 AM
great hack!

A simple request: Is it possible to create a kind of user category "spammer": when they spam too much, you put them in the category and their posts are redirected to the spam count?

08-29-2002, 02:46 PM
i could change their user title to spammer or i could also put them into a new usergroup etc... just tell me some specifics if you can and i will look into such for you... regards...


09-11-2002, 11:49 AM
well the only specifics is that when they post, it only increases their spam counts and not the posts count. It's only a security against people who posts many "jsdfcjhsdfksdfgksdfgskdfgksfg" and get over the amount of characters to increase their posts count.

Another question: I don't want the spam count to be involved in the posting hierarchy title. If you don't understand what i mean just go to my forums and see "Posting hierarchy" section: members have to post to climb in the hierarchy and get a new title.

10-28-2002, 10:41 PM
I'm a bit confused with this. Is it possibe to state how many posts a newbie has before spam killing begins, if I'm using Lesane's Store hack?


11-04-2002, 08:20 AM
Another problem

Some forums do not contribute to post count [such as my Games Room]

But their money decreases anyway because people post just 5 lettered posts.

Is there a way around this?


11-30-2002, 07:00 PM
I think I figured it out.

12-03-2002, 03:28 PM
Anyway to make a page to list who has the most SPAM POINT like maybe a Wall of Shame page ?

03-02-2003, 10:56 AM
Found a bug...

// +++++++ Checking Special Admin And Moderator Options +++++++
if ($bbuserinfo[usergroupid] == 6 and $spambyadmins) {
} elseif(($bbuserinfo[usergroupid] == 5 OR $perms[ismoderator]) and $spambymods) {

the controls in the table are wrong...


if you don't correct this, mods and Admin will count spam post even if option spam admin and mods are selected :)

03-29-2003, 11:51 PM
Hey all.

I tried running the queries for the non-store hack edition of this Spam Killer and I got this

You have an error in your SQL syntax near 'INSERT INTO setting VALUES ( NULL , 32, 'Spam Hack Enabled?', 'SPAMenabled',' at line 1

I'm sure I copied everything in right, but to no avail.

Any ideas? If someone could help me i'd appreciate it. :)


03-29-2003, 11:57 PM
Sorry, posted something wrong. x_x

03-07-2004, 07:36 PM

SQL-query :

ALTER TABLE storeadmin ADD spamenabled int( 2 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1' ALTER TABLE storeadmin ADD spambyadmin int( 2 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1' ALTER TABLE storeadmin ADD spambymod int( 2 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1' ALTER TABLE storeadmin ADD characters int( 10 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '250' ALTER TABLE storeadmin ADD pdeduction int( 10 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '5' ALTER TABLE storeadmin ADD spamnewbie int( 2 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1' ALTER TABLE storeadmin ADD spamkill int( 10 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '5' ALTER TABLE user ADD spamposts int( 5 ) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'

MySQL said:

#1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'ALTER TABLE storeadmin ADD spambyadmin int( 2 ) NOT NULL DE
