View Full Version : Upload image to profile.

07-03-2002, 09:26 PM
This was requested at my board, I would attempt to make it myself, but Im going to be on vacation. If anyone would be kind enough to make it, I would really appreciate it! :)

*I didn't see it released so I am asking :)

The member suggested this.

Make a field in Profile, where users desktop, or some other picture can be shown, can be uploaded via user cp, or can input url, thus using the img tags to show the image from the site.

Its kind of like Zzeds, but his doesn't have an upload feature .-.

Also if anyone actualy is kind, and helps me out :) you can either release it publically, or keep it for your self, and pm me a copy :cross-eyed: :p


07-03-2002, 09:38 PM
If you view my profile i actually released a offsite avatars hack which im sure you could play with and get the results that you'd like ;) hope that helps :D


07-03-2002, 10:02 PM
Vincent]I think he means actual pictyure, like a picture to show what you look like.. I saw a hack like that a few minutes ago though, let me go search...........

here's the link