View Full Version : cant upload jpg and gif anymore etc.

07-03-2002, 10:03 AM
since a few days im getting the following error, after installing 3 hacks (country flag, signature preview and avatar groups). However Im not sure that they have anything to do with my problem.

If I try to upload a gif or jpg as an attachment I get an error message telling me that the attachment is not a valid jpg or gif file.

If I try to upload a txt or doc file etc. I get a warning (see attachment) but it works after that. However, attachments made to private messages dissapear from the pm after about 1 day.

Im lost, Ive tripple checked all - would appreciate your help.

07-03-2002, 02:44 PM
Ask your host to turn off safe mode... or turn it on in your vBulletin Options.