View Full Version : Problem in Private Messaging(PM)!

10-21-2000, 06:12 PM

I just installed the PM hack (Great job Ed Sullivan) :)

However,I dont seem to get it to work properly !

Can't receive any new messages,even though I asked my moderators to send me a test messages,but I couldn't receive any !!

YES, I did followed the instructions step by step exactly,and have read this post to see if this question has been answered,but I guess not !!


Any help is appreciated

10-21-2000, 06:17 PM
NOTE: the radio button "Receive Private Messages" in the "edit profile" never changed after I choose it,so I don't have this problem.

I think something else is wrong !!

10-21-2000, 06:39 PM
You just contradicted yourself.
"It didn't change, so it's not this."

If it didn't change, then it IS that, and you didn't follow directions to the T.

10-21-2000, 07:19 PM
Ed Sullivan,

Sorry not to be more specific.
What I meant is that when I chose the option "Receive Private Messages" its SAVED.

I dont have the problem "Cid Highwind" mentioned in this page :


10-21-2000, 09:34 PM
Look in the database and tell me if there's an actual entry for what he sent you.

10-21-2000, 10:12 PM
How can I look into it in the database !!

Sorry,new at DB's,telnet and stuff !!

10-22-2000, 04:39 AM
Thanks Mr.Sullivan :)

It's OK now !

Names are case sensitive,and moderators didn't recognize that when sending :D

10-23-2000, 05:09 AM
Ed Sullivan,

Sorry,but there is another problem,one user told me that she is receiving someone's else PM !


In the forums main page it show her this:

Someone's else name(NOT her name) - you have # messages (#new).

How can I solve this ??