06-29-2002, 02:02 AM
Hello all
i am not sure if this is already done, or out.
I post on a forum that has a few threads with like 60+ pages to it, and i often do a search, and the only thing the search tells you is the thread.
is it possible to have a search, were lest say
Search for [mathiau]
and the results would come back like
Mathiau found in:
[thread title] - found on pages [1,2,5,7,15]
and u can then click on what ever page u want, instead of having to go through the thread page , by page, by page...??
i am not sure if this is already done, or out.
I post on a forum that has a few threads with like 60+ pages to it, and i often do a search, and the only thing the search tells you is the thread.
is it possible to have a search, were lest say
Search for [mathiau]
and the results would come back like
Mathiau found in:
[thread title] - found on pages [1,2,5,7,15]
and u can then click on what ever page u want, instead of having to go through the thread page , by page, by page...??