View Full Version : style needed

06-28-2002, 01:33 AM
Hello. My site - www.michiganboard.com is in dire need of a style. I just purchased the vbulletin software the other day and got the board online the day before yesterday!

I'm in need of serious help! I know absoutley nothing about php, and next to nothing about html!

I'd like a nice button set (maybe a michigan theme of some sort) and a cool color scheme. Something nice, simple, & crisp.

Any help will be much appreciated and greatly rewarded!

email me at scottlaplant@chartermi.net or icq @ 62063002


06-28-2002, 10:31 PM

u know photoshop at all? Berst way to decide on colors, is first pic 1 main color, that will be your background, then go off, and use shades of that main color, light and darker versions of it to make your over all board.

Or find 2 colors that go well, just look at the style they have here.

So, what colors does michigan use? try those ones out.

it will take a bit to really find a set of color that look really good, but u just need to find 1 base color u really like, and go from there, that is what i do.

hit the thread here about posting your forum, and check out others forums, and how their colors are....

06-29-2002, 12:00 AM
chekc out
