View Full Version : Hack Database Module?

06-26-2002, 08:37 PM
Hello there,

I wonder wether a module like the hack database on THIS web site is available anywhere. I think it would be a great add on for any web site which deals with technology related topics etc.

The module basically must allow users to upload and download files, allow for comments, download stats and ratings. In fact it must exactly do what the hack database does within THIS site.

Unfortunately a request for the sources of the hack database of THIS web site has been responded negatively.

I would offer to transform the hack database into a stand alone vBulletin module including documentation on how to install.

If this is of any interest for the producers of THIS web site, please contact me at ralf@rottmann.net !

If anybody knows where to get anything like the hack database for vBulletin / vbPortal, PLEASE let me know.

Any comments are highly appreciated.

- Ralf

06-26-2002, 10:02 PM
The "Hacks Database" was created by FireFly, I am not sure if he has plans to release it or sell it, although I would guess that he does not as that is one key feature that makes vB.org unique :).

- SaintDog

06-26-2002, 10:13 PM
theres actually a small portion of the hack released.. not everything.. just some of it....

search somthing like
number threads use started
sometin like that