View Full Version : Minor problem? (i hope)

06-25-2002, 12:04 AM
I'm in the process of hacking the hell outta my testboard (getting ready to upgrade to 2.2.6) and something is wrong.

I'm usually pretty good about installing one hack at a time, testing, re-testing, etc. before proceeding. I guess I forgot to test this one.

Anyways, I can't recall exactly WHICH hack caused this issue, but here it is...

WHen registering as a new user, it directs to the "thanks for registering page" fine, but then instead of redirecting to forumhome, it is trying to redirect to https://myIP/scripts/command

Anyone seen this before that can help me track it down?

I already replaced register.php (assumed the problem was in there) but that wasnt it.

Help is appreciated.

06-25-2002, 07:28 AM
Have you configured your board URL in your test board to show your test's board location in vb settings?

06-25-2002, 09:18 PM
Yeah, the CP setting is correct. No other actions or pages cause this error. After posting, redirects fine. After searching, redirects fine. It's only after registering that I get this.

BTW, Logician...

I installed 5 or 6 of your hacks. Great work.
Figure this out for me and you'll be my hero. :)

06-26-2002, 03:12 AM
Nevermind. I found the problem, and no, I will not talk about what I found for fear of being ridiculed for my ignorance. :D

06-26-2002, 03:51 AM
You know you want to tell us the problem ;) - btw, Keep up the great work on your board ;)

- SaintDog