View Full Version : always been a bit confused about this.........

06-23-2002, 01:33 AM

okay, to get the the questions

Lets say i got a forum, and i is all hacked, etc etc

Now, i want to add, mmm 3 new styles to it. (3 diff color schemes)

1. do i have to rehack each new style / template i make?

If not, how exactly can i simply make 3 more templates so i can have 3 diff colors...? i want the same layout for them all, but each has it's own colors.....

i have alwasy been unsure about this...just wanted to clear it up.

06-23-2002, 01:44 AM
Well, what I do in this situation is download the current style, and reupload it as a new style. That way you have a second copy of all the hacked templates.

06-23-2002, 04:01 AM

i see (just to be sure)

So, u got your default hacked template, then download it, then reupload it as a "new" template, rename it, then change the colors and stuff?

dam! u smart!...lol

06-23-2002, 07:33 PM
Yep exactly. Quick and Easy. :)