View Full Version : MySQL Query, please help

06-17-2002, 05:14 PM
I inserted these twice, so can anyone please tell me how to delete them?

INSERT INTO setting (settingid, settinggroupid, title, varname, value, description, optioncode, displayorder) VALUES ('', '6', 'Posts to change username', 'postuserchange', '50', 'Number of posts required for the user to change their own username within the user control panel. If you wish anyone to be able to change username set to 0.', '', '18');

INSERT INTO setting (settingid, settinggroupid, title, varname, value, description, optioncode, displayorder) VALUES ('', '6', 'Days between user change', 'dayuserchange', '7', 'Number of days between each time a user is allowed to change their nickname. If you wish the user to be able to change username at any time set to 0.', '', '19');

Any help appreciated, thanx. :tired:

Chris M
06-17-2002, 07:36 PM
I think, but Im not sure, that you can delete them via phpmyadmin...


06-17-2002, 07:40 PM
DELETE FROM setting WHERE settinggroupid=6 AND title='Days between user change' AND displayorder='19' LIMIT 1

should be right, but using phpmyadmin would be better ;)

06-17-2002, 10:42 PM
thanx, sorted now :D