View Full Version : i'm looking for this hack

06-17-2002, 04:58 AM
hello everybody
i'm looking for a hack that i can see the inactive users for some specific time and that i can mail all the inactive users at the same time.
i'm using vb 2.2.6

06-17-2002, 12:01 PM
go to your admin-cp, in the usersection select e-mail users, and there you can input the options which users should be emailed...

06-17-2002, 12:41 PM
hey but i can not mail the users that been inactive for specific days

06-17-2002, 01:04 PM
why not?

enter a value into this option:
and Last Visit is before

06-17-2002, 08:55 PM
damm i'm realy a newby
what's the value to do this

06-17-2002, 08:59 PM
you have to set the value like you want it ;)

today its 2002-06-17
so if you want to write to all users inactiv for one month use this value

06-18-2002, 04:24 AM
thx bud

06-18-2002, 05:44 AM
just one reminder: last visit isn't the same as last activity....
for as far as I've researched it I came to the conclusion that last visit must be the last time they logged in. If they use cookies they can keep visiting your board without logging in again for a long time ;)
But, then again, there isn't a searchfield in your admin cp for last activity

I wrote these .php scripts to check the lastactivity.
I know, the scripts could be much better, but hey, it works ;)

It are two scripts. lastactivity1.php uses ORDER BY USERNAME and lastactivity2.php uses ORDER BY LASTACTIVITY

Just download, and replace these thingies:
servername: hostname or ip of server (probably localhost)
dbusername: the mysql user name :)
dbpassword: well duh ;)
dbname: the name of the database

If you don't know this info, you can look it up at the config.php in the admin dir of your board.

Then just upload it to anyplace on your server, and load it in your browser :)

btw, the result is a table with 2 columns and <the number of members of your forum> rows ;)
Column 1 contains the username, column 2 contains the date and time of the last activity.
If you want to use this to look for inactive users, use lastactivity2.php and start at the bottom of the file. Check the date and mail the user when you decide that his/her last activity is to long ago.