View Full Version : Page BG and Border Problem!

Webmasta XT
06-16-2002, 01:47 AM
ok the first problem is.. I can't edit the border, its 000000, I need to change it, I tried everything but doesn't change!!! this is my third style! the border is changed everywhere else except for forumhome!! :cry:

Webmasta XT
06-16-2002, 01:48 AM
the second problem is, I am using a background image for this new style and some places are f**ked up because of that, look at one of them in the below attached file!!

Webmasta XT
06-16-2002, 01:49 AM
Someone PLZ HELP ME!!

06-16-2002, 02:30 AM
CRA!P i just ahd it on the tip of my tnogue and lost it!!!!

P.S -this should be going under

:Template Questions and Button Requests

Anyways! if i rember i will eb right back..lol

p.s - nice look'n board :D

Webmasta XT
06-16-2002, 04:10 PM
Thank You!!

06-17-2002, 01:04 AM
You may have hard coded it into your forumhome template. Do a search for "#000000" and see if there's any bgcolor="#000000" in there. If there is, change it to what you want the border to be and it may work.

If not, just double check the Border Colour specified in the Font/Colours/Etc of the style.

06-17-2002, 02:55 AM
check the CSS in the header include