View Full Version : hey, my first post eva lol

06-15-2002, 08:39 AM
anyway i made my first button set here and currently doing another for a hosting companies board...

well there located at:
not at all skinned just button replacements and a few hacks

next project... www.hackhosting.com and www.intertainmentideas.com need a board to match so thats my next project... if u visit the main page of any link here, those are design by me :), this time it shood be fully skinned :)

personal site is www.relikstudios.com if anyone cared

they wont be on that board for long, but if anyones interested in them id gladdy make a button set to give away or if someone wants it for them selves we can make a deal :)

nice to finally hav one post lol

06-16-2002, 08:01 PM
Originally posted by CSDVII
next project... www.hackhosting.com and www.intertainmentideas.com

Are those for 2 different hosting websites or are you just showing them off? If they are for 2 different hosting websites, I am not sure either of them would like having the exact same design as the other (the only differences are the logo, link button, and the name of the company).

- SaintDog

Dean C
06-17-2002, 03:41 PM
WOW those buttons are exactly what ive been looking for... wud u be willing to share them ?? :D

Chris M
06-17-2002, 07:50 PM
Those buttons are wicked!!!


06-17-2002, 08:59 PM
Very nice, I think I saw some buttons like those on vbulletingraphics.com. I would never pay for graphics though.

06-18-2002, 07:15 AM
oh saint dog,
those are the same host, were just broadening our service with to almost identical layout :) 2xbiz if i may say so...

oh sorry for the late replies, didnt get any the first day so i kinda forgot :), but yea ill make a set rdy soon :)