View Full Version : Need some help with hack

Parker Clack
06-10-2002, 07:28 AM
I have created a usergroup for inactive members. If that member comes back on to the board later and signs back up under a different username but with the same email address as before the script will allow him/her to register but the associated password is assisgned to the first name that they signed up under. In other words they end up with two accounts and it screws things up.

I have a check in the register.php file that checks for $bbusergroupid<>14 (14 is the numer of the inactive usergroupid) so that if the script finds the username in the inactive list it will allow another person to use that name but what I need for it to check is to see if the email address is also in use.

I put a check using $bbusergroupid<>14 in the requireuniqueemail rountine but the script started to reject members saying that the email address that they chose was already in use. I would search the database and there is no other member that has the same email address. So I took the check out.

So the bottom line is that I am wanting to put members that are inactive for a period of time into an inactive group area and when someone signs up they are allowed to use that username if they are not the same person who used it orginally. If it is the same person I want it to let them know that they have previously registered and that they need to ask me to change their status from active to inactive.

Any ideas?



Parker Clack
06-10-2002, 07:29 AM
Sorry I am away from my PC so I cannot copy the code used in register.php that I am talking about. I will post that later.
