View Full Version : Search by User ID (admin panel)

06-08-2002, 10:00 PM
** Updated April 9th, 5:01 PM, CET **

For those of you who want to search users by their ID directly:

open admin/user.php and find this line:

makeinputcode("User Name contains","ausername");

Add ABOVE that, this bit:

// user id search hack
makeinputcode("User ID is","auserid");
// end user id search hack

Then, in the same file, find:

if ($usergroupid!=-1 and $usergroupid!="") {

Add ABOVE that, this bit:

// user id search hack
if ($auserid!="" && !is-numeric($auserid)){
echo "Invalid user ID, please go back and try again.";
if (is-numeric($auserid)) {
$condition.=" AND user.userid=$auserid";
// end user id search hack


Save & upload admin/user.php - that's it. :):up:

You can now search users by their ID and get sent to their edit page right away.

06-09-2002, 08:21 PM
How about adding this for moderators? To search by userid in the mod/index.php

06-09-2002, 08:21 PM
Thanks KF !!
Great turn around time. What 5 minutes?

06-09-2002, 08:48 PM
Lessee, I received your request at 11:01 PM, and posted this thread at 11:07.

6 minutes, that's pretty doable :)

Smoothie: erm, I might look into that, but then, I might not. It's not much use, really, if you ask me...

Chris M
06-10-2002, 09:20 AM



06-10-2002, 11:45 AM
Eek! I made a big oopsy in the above code, which caused the search function in your AP to, well, not work.

The first post is improved now, it's a tiny alteration:

if (!intval($auserid)){

should be:

if (($auserid!="") AND (!intval($auserid))){

That's the fix, it's error-free, now :)

06-12-2002, 08:50 PM
I have 21 users (new board, not open to public yet) and it shows the 18th user fine but if I try to find ID 19, 20 or 21 it says there is no matches. Any ideas?

06-14-2002, 09:21 AM
your 19th, 20th and 21st members have higher ID's because you deleted some accounts?

I just checked your board and your 22nd member has the id 25, so you clearly deleted some users along the way.

06-14-2002, 09:39 AM
Thta is apparently what the problem is. Is there any way to take the gaps out of the user table in the database for that?

Originally posted by KuraFire
your 19th, 20th and 21st members have higher ID's because you deleted some accounts?

I just checked your board and your 22nd member has the id 25, so you clearly deleted some users along the way.

06-14-2002, 11:21 AM

why on EARTH would you want that?!

that would make your whole system unstable and illogical and (insert 25 other bad aspects here).

In other words: doing that is like unleashing hell on your board. It's Extremely impractical, too..

06-14-2002, 11:49 AM
ok, then what you are saying is that anyone who ever deletes any users will never have the right count (like it is on my board), right? This is normal then and nothing to worry about? That's all I want to know. If it is the norm and the way it works for everyone, then everything is fine. I thought maybe I messed something up somewhere, that's all. :)

Originally posted by KuraFire

why on EARTH would you want that?!

that would make your whole system unstable and illogical and (insert 25 other bad aspects here).

In other words: doing that is like unleashing hell on your board. It's Extremely impractical, too..

06-14-2002, 11:55 AM
yea, its normal, and works perfect, its is just a cosmetic problem ;)

06-14-2002, 09:25 PM

boofo, what's important here is this:

try picturing the structure of your forum - a post is defined by someone's user id - after all, you can easily change their usernames in your admin panel, and that doesn't affect their posts or anything.

Now try picturing what would happen if suddenly their user ID would be changed. How else would the system, vBulletin, know which post belonged to them, and which didn't?

Do you see the conflict there? :)

06-14-2002, 09:36 PM
I understand what you are saying. I just never knew how it worked until now. I guess I didn't think about the posts being tied to the userid like that. But you would think there would be a way to have the gaps removed and have all of the messages re-tied to the new user ids. I know it would be a real intense operation, but it could be done, couldn't it? :)

By the way, KuraFire, on your quote hack, is there a way to take the gaps out of the database when quotes are removed? I have a 4 quote difference in it. I have added more and it doesn't fill in the spaces left by the deletion of the other quotes. Or does this work the same way as the userid thing?

Originally posted by KuraFire

boofo, what's important here is this:

try picturing the structure of your forum - a post is defined by someone's user id - after all, you can easily change their usernames in your admin panel, and that doesn't affect their posts or anything.

Now try picturing what would happen if suddenly their user ID would be changed. How else would the system, vBulletin, know which post belonged to them, and which didn't?

Do you see the conflict there? :)

06-14-2002, 09:44 PM
it could be done, but it's totally senseless and inefficient to do so.

There is no problem with gaps in user id columns, unless you intend to use certain files which include the user id and would thus have to rename files to match the gaps - but that would be quite a senseless system for users.

So why bother, then? If there's no problem, really, whatsoever, why change the very much winning formula? :)

And yeah - my Quote hack works exactly the same. Quotes and Users are basically the same except that they hold different information and quotes hold far LESS information a record :)

06-14-2002, 09:57 PM
I don't know if I would go as far to say it is senseless and inefficient to do that. It all depends on what you are trying to do and what you need it for. I am one who likes things in order and where they belong. To have...say...321 users but have a user with a userid of 415 doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me. Not to mention, the avaerage user is going to be confused themselves about it. But, like you said, if it ain't broke, it don't need fixin'. It's just personal preference, I guess.

Originally posted by KuraFire
it could be done, but it's totally senseless and inefficient to do so.

There is no problem with gaps in user id columns, unless you intend to use certain files which include the user id and would thus have to rename files to match the gaps - but that would be quite a senseless system for users.

So why bother, then? If there's no problem, really, whatsoever, why change the very much winning formula? :)

And yeah - my Quote hack works exactly the same. Quotes and Users are basically the same except that they hold different information and quotes hold far LESS information a record :)

06-14-2002, 10:09 PM
hmm, somehow, user id's that don't match to the Nth member signup don't seem all that odd to me - most users never know how many'th member they are, nor do they care a whim.

Having things orderly is nice - but if you learn enough about it, you'll understand that this way, it's actually far more orderly and useful. :)

I personally wouldn't go _just_ as far as saying it's senseless and inefficient - no, I would even go as far as saying it's completely retarded, but that's my personal opinion, though :)

06-14-2002, 10:19 PM
I guess that's where you and I differ. I don't think anyone's idea is "retarded", no matter how much I might disagree with it.

Originally posted by KuraFire
hmm, somehow, user id's that don't match to the Nth member signup don't seem all that odd to me - most users never know how many'th member they are, nor do they care a whim.

Having things orderly is nice - but if you learn enough about it, you'll understand that this way, it's actually far more orderly and useful. :)

I personally wouldn't go _just_ as far as saying it's senseless and inefficient - no, I would even go as far as saying it's completely retarded, but that's my personal opinion, though :)

06-14-2002, 10:35 PM
I never said I found your idea retarded - I said I found my picturing of doing vbulletin without auto_incrementing user id's retarded.

Yours was a general musing. And if you feel offended, I'm sorry - I definitely wasn't thinking about you while saying that....

06-14-2002, 10:40 PM
Sorry I took it personally. I knew you weren't talking directly to me when you said that, it just hit a nerve, I guess.

I agree with you on the auto-incrementing. I think that is the best way to go. I also think that talking gaps out of the auto-incrementing (or even filling in the gaps with the next new user) is something to take a look at too. :)

Originally posted by KuraFire
I never said I found your idea retarded - I said I found my picturing of doing vbulletin without auto_incrementing user id's retarded.

Yours was a general musing. And if you feel offended, I'm sorry - I definitely wasn't thinking about you while saying that....

06-14-2002, 11:05 PM
no worries :)

I dunno, I prefer gaps myself, for several reasons... which I don't feel like listing now, at 2 am, so I'll leave it at this and bid thee good night :)

The Ghost
06-15-2002, 07:10 PM

works fine on 2.2.6!!

thx, nice hack!


The Ghost

07-18-2002, 04:23 AM
Where's the ID hack?

07-18-2002, 04:17 PM
What on earth are you babbling about, Clouds kid??

04-09-2003, 01:49 PM
Installed this hack on v2.3.0 and it gave me a parse error.

This hack:

// user id search hack
if (($auserid!="") AND (!$auserid))){
echo "Invalid user ID, please go back and try again.";
if ($auserid!="") {
$condition.=" AND user.userid=$auserid";
// end user id search hack

To get it to work, I had to remove this part:

if (($auserid!="") AND (!$auserid))){
echo "Invalid user ID, please go back and try again.";

Short of that, seems to work fine. Thanks for the hack. Much needed!

04-09-2003, 02:14 PM
snapperhead: yeah, that's vb.org's fault. Stupid hack here is making the php-functions disappear, so if you copied from the post before I edited it just now, you were copying incomplete code :/

06-09-2003, 06:17 PM
I use Teck's addon for the Admin CP.

How would I add this right above search for a user at Control Panel Home?
