View Full Version : Connect Directly To Chatroom From Forumhome

06-09-2002, 05:28 AM
What it does: makes a direct login to the chat on forum homepage

peeps there is no demo of this as i have not installed it on my board but i know that it works and is bug free. The conly thing that you MIGHT have to edit is if you have your chat at:


you will have to change:

<FORM action="$bburl/chat.php" target="_blank">


<FORM action="$bburl/chat/chat.php" target="_blank">


<FORM action="$bburl/chat/chat.php" target="_blank">

(depending on link to chat)

please click install if you install this hack.....


(this will work on ALL versions of vB that have the vB eirc hack installed ;) )

06-09-2002, 05:47 AM
This is not a hack, this is a template modification. Hacks modify the PHP files, not the templates within vBulletin.

- SaintDog

06-09-2002, 05:57 AM
ok then

06-25-2002, 11:07 PM
<!--$bbtitle Chat-->
<FORM action="$bburl/chat.php" target="_blank">
<table border="1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="border-collapse: collapse" bordercolor="#000000" width="100%">
<td width="100%" height="68">
<p align="center"><b>
<font face="verdana, helvetica, sans-serif" size="2">
Connect to to $bbtitle chat with username : $username </font></b>
document.write("<input NAME=chatnick value="+chatuser.value+" SIZE=16 class=bginput>");
<INPUT TYPE="submit" VALUE="Connect" class="bginput"></td>
<!--/$bbtitle Chat-->

....The part that is in BOLD should say $bbuserinfo[username] to grab your name......using $username will grab the newest member that came online.......


06-26-2002, 09:41 AM
yeh i worked that out ;) anyways i edited it and made it diff, try this code:

<!--$bbtitle Chat-->
<FORM action="$bburl/chat.php" target="_blank">
<table border="1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="border-collapse: collapse" bordercolor="#111111" width="100%">
<td width="100%" height="68">
<p align="center"><b>
<font face="verdana, helvetica, sans-serif" size="2">
Connect to to $bbtitle chat with username: <font color="#FF0000" size="4" face="verdana, helvetica, sans-serif">$bbuserinfo[username]</font></font></b>
document.write <input NAME=chatnick value="+chatuser.value+" SIZE=16 class=bginput>
<INPUT TYPE="submit" VALUE="Connect!" class="bginput"></td>
<!--/$bbtitle Chat-->

06-26-2002, 04:14 PM
LOL.....good, but i dont see a difference in what i said and what you posted..............yeh, whatever it works so its all good.....now i have to make a button set or something so that my members can go to the quiz page i have set up.....hmmmmm....any ideas??


06-26-2002, 05:21 PM
Who cares about PHP vs templates - it's still a code change as far as I am concerned (and I work in IT). In fact I admire a hack that can avoid PHP changes.

Hacks are not a good thing - some view the PHP changes as something of an achievement - to me it represents more of a failure to provide a standard feature or a customisable one.

Hacks, especially to PHP make upgrades a pain. I use them only where absolutely necessary and hope the next version will remove the need for them.

06-27-2002, 11:13 PM
this looks GREAT but where is this vb eirc hack? I am lost as usual

06-28-2002, 01:12 AM
search for "vb-eirc integration"


06-28-2002, 01:45 AM
Pattie hon it just brings me right back to this thread and this thread is the only choice given. I want to implement this modification in the worst way and am scared to death it's over my head. But my guys are asking for it all the time. Noone can seem to be in the same place at the same time but your mod will FIX that BIG time. I want to be sure I do this exactly as you stated and am already lost as usual lol

06-28-2002, 01:55 AM
Originally posted by Pilot
Who cares about PHP vs templates - it's still a code change as far as I am concerned (and I work in IT). In fact I admire a hack that can avoid PHP changes.

Hacks are not a good thing - some view the PHP changes as something of an achievement - to me it represents more of a failure to provide a standard feature or a customisable one.

Hacks, especially to PHP make upgrades a pain. I use them only where absolutely necessary and hope the next version will remove the need for them.
What in the world are you saying?

06-28-2002, 12:06 PM
well today here is where I am at so far. I searched for this eirc program and downloaded it? Is that what I have to do? I searched inside this eirc folder for a chat.php and found none. Please I know I am way way behind you guys but I want this REALLY BAD if anyone has the patience to help me either via email or here. Pretty Please? :bunny: :bunny: :bunny:

06-30-2002, 07:14 AM
Originally posted by RavenBeauty
this looks GREAT but where is this vb eirc hack? I am lost as usual
