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06-06-2002, 09:13 AM
hi ,
i was wonedring if this is possible

on a normal .htm page place an input form and what ever the member types in there and submits would be posted in a forum assigned by the board administrator .

if its possible pls can someone let me know

thankx :smoke:

06-06-2002, 10:49 AM
yes, it is possible, just let the form call newreply.php and it'll work

06-06-2002, 02:18 PM
could you please tell me how to ........
cause i'm a newbie to this

thankx a lot matey :)

06-06-2002, 04:03 PM
the easiest way is:

start to make a new replay to whatever thread you want to send all those postings.

then save this to an htm file and change it to whatever you want, just let the form like it is

06-06-2002, 05:46 PM
oops miscommunication

what i want to do is make a a form on a .html page which will have subject window and what the from would do is when someone sumits the form it would be posted in the forum that i nominate. something like the new thread hack but on a non vb page and i wanetd to have these forms in 3-4 pages which would add posts to relevant forums nominated by me (administrator).

but the problem here is i have no idea on how to go about it so if someone could tell me what to change where i can do it ...... still learning

thankx for helping Xenon :)

06-07-2002, 01:21 PM
same way

start to make a new thread in the forum you want look into the sourcecode of this page then, and copy the formpart to your own html site :)