View Full Version : Request...

Chris M
06-05-2002, 05:52 PM
I have a hack request that I think would be good...

:bunny:Scrolling Marquees - On my new site, I would like the ability to add Scrolling Marquees to it. Now, I know this can be done by simple HTML and editing the forumhome template, but I would like a more complicated method, which would be simpler in the long run...

I would like the ability to "Edit the News" for each marquee WITHOUT having to edit the forumhome template
I would like the ability to allow Users to submit news for addition to the Marquee (with Admin approval)
I would like the ability to make a marquee, but only allow users of a certain usergroup to see it (i.e. Admins, Mods, Super Mods and any other custom usergroup I create)

Could it be done?


Dean C
06-05-2002, 07:09 PM
well as for the first 3 the easiest option would be to have the "random quote on forumhome" ... and change a few things in it like "quote" to "news"... and remove the two links which allow users to add a quote and view the full list of quotes.. (the reason for this being if its news on your site then only admins should really be posting in there so they can do their posting of news thru the admin cp)

then in the forumhome_quote template it creates the quote box u will see on the main forums page... then just add your marquee tags where the quote will go (which will be your news)...

as for only certain usergroups i have no idea how to do that...

Chris M
06-05-2002, 07:12 PM

I thought about that...

Again...I dont know how to restrict it to certain usergroups...

Im gonna see if someone else can come up with a solution...Maybe there is a hack similar to this, but I couldnt find it...
